If you want to learn hacking, learn linux first. Then install it as primary OS and keep trying, but it will be hard, f*cking hard xD
P.S. OMG!!!! I hacked my first victim's site!
- lol

Edit by Frett
Last edited by Frettchen; Feb 22, 2010 at 05:33 PM.
btw denis some guy hacked the ps3 system how to put games on it for free xD but idk who but the guy hacked 2 ipods he gave 1 ipod away for a car hes the best hacker of the world!
Thanks. xDDDDDD btw I installed Linux Ubuntu few days ago, I'm gonna learn with my father. (he had linux and he was a mastoar!)
Originally Posted by Frettchen View Post
@Denis is deleted your post xD because when admins read your post you get banned for a long time :P

WTF? DENIS?????? DiNiS
lol at those posts xD
nah, jk, I Wanna Learn NAO too ;)
btw, an epic clan vid into here:

Ahh. That's how it works ;)
Last edited by fightback; Feb 25, 2010 at 09:14 PM.
7th Dan
As Free as I can be.