Reinstalled windows due some virus fuckery, now I can't seem to enter the right password for MSN or some shit...


Last edited by dbuhos; Aug 23, 2011 at 02:11 PM.
Centuries Of Damn
I didn't sleep at all last night! I feel great! HAHAHAH

I finished Ambidextrous: the secret lives of children. Story (part one of three of an autobiography) ended with him breaking up, with a girl who was apparently only with him so that her dad could watch. Through a series of mirrors in the living room, which was also her bedroom. I think he messed up. The author, that is. 'Course, he can't really apologize, he's in his late fifties or early sixties by now, but damn, poor girl. I want to send that author a long, long letter. I think he really made the worst conclusions at the fastest speed and refused to look back. Even at his age, he didn't reconsider what he'd concluded even though it made no sense, judging by personality and and that girl reminded me of myself. I want to punch him.

So like, before I was going to therapy/counseling because I was losing interest in things and was tired. I don't believe they found anything wrong with me. So now i'm on...uahhaaa OCD... uh... o..a...ADD medication. Yes. And I can't sleep. When I do I sometimes have nightmares. BUT IT'S BETTER THAN CAFFEINE

I guess technically it's working.
Last edited by Acavado; Aug 23, 2011 at 03:19 PM.
On the topic, tomorrow I'm going in to my counsellor to judge me for depression medication.

This is the third time I've gone in for this. The other times I just gave them my opinion of mood, which at the time is usually good. But I now realise that all my opinions and ideas change whether I'm in a good or down mood. So I was totally biased in my description.
Anyway, I'll go in tomorrow with a full intent to tell them about this, with which they will probably decide to put me on medication.

I was going to go to a party on the weekend.... Now I have to find out if it will mess with my medication...

Just in case you only read the bottom most post, read Acavado's above mine. I don't want to take away from hers.
Last edited by Puffbunny; Aug 23, 2011 at 05:43 PM. Reason: I put an apostrophe in 'hers', it didn't look right.
.. I went to therapy twice at ages 5 and 6, that's how screwed up I am.
I'm not going to give the reason for age 5, but I went at age 6 cause of my parent's divorce. I remember when I was up that one night my mom kicked my father out of the house and threatened to call 911 on him if he didn't leave.
Originally Posted by fluffykat View Post
.. I went to therapy twice at ages 5 and 6, that's how screwed up I am.
I'm not going to give the reason for age 5, but I went at age 6 cause of my parent's divorce. I remember when I was up that one night my mom kicked my father out of the house and threatened to call 911 on him if he didn't leave.

I wonder why I just had a dream involving that...
Centuries Of Damn
TWENTY... UH.. 48 + 24... Seventeeee twooo! 72 HOURS AND STILL GOING YEAAAAA

I can drive now!

We watched disturbing videos about people being killed by reading "LOL" "were u at" on their phones in drivers ed. I have to draw an intersection, a road intersection, do math and draw fluffs eating cake or something. Also I need to write and publish an epic novel before my next birthday; and finish two years of education in one plus a summer, and turn into an sometimes extrovert. Otherwise, I LOSE EVERYTHING I EVER WANTED

I drove in a parking lot of a church. Holy thunder sounded whenever I got distracted. It was also raining.

Uh. A kid in drivers ed has the same first name and is nearly identical to thee guy i liek mahfasdhhuhhhh. The hell.
Last edited by Acavado; Aug 24, 2011 at 07:01 PM.