warmogs at like 3.9k hp only becomes useful when you get resistances, so a warmogs with say 60 MR/90 Armor doesnt benefit you as much say being at 120 MR with 2.6k hp. Or 170 Armor with 2.9k hp. (First one is assuming FoN/Second one is Assuming Randuins)

In other words, it seems like you get a lot of HP, but in reality you'd get more EHP (Effective HP) by building resistances. I think 100 Armor/MR is 50% damage reduction.

So lets say with a fully stacked warmogs and 50 of each Armor/MR you're at say 3.5khp

50 Armor/MR is 33.333% damage reduction, so that 1% of 3500 is 35, 35 x 133 = 4655 is the total amount of damage needed to be done not factoring in resistances.

But lets say instead you chose to buy a randuins omen.
You'd be at 130 Armor with 2.9khp
130 armor = 57% damage reduc from physical attacks (The damage reduc follows a 100 / (100 + Armor) formula)

so 1% of 2900 is 29, 29 x 157 = 4553 hp
it would take 4553 physical damage to kill you, or 3857 magic damage. BUT, you get the bonuses of randuins omen that warmogs DOES NOT GIVE.

But now lets say you decide to buy a rylais.
With your warmogs,rylais, and 50 of each resist, you have 4000 hp. With 33% damage reduc your EHP becomes 5320

But instead, with a Rylais, Omens, and 130 Armor you get 3400 HP. With 57% physical damage reduction you get 5338 EHP, which is higher than a fully stacked warmogs, and you get the awesome passives of Randuins

Warmogs only becomes really good when you're around ~150 resistances, which is around late game. Which is why so few dedicated tanks build it, since when it's late game you have to farm it up to make it cost effective.

The only people that go for Atmogs melee dps/straight tank at like the 70 min mrk, singed has no reason to ever need warmogs since he can get a better benefit from other items.
Yes I am this bored to the point where I typed out why warmogs is a bad item.
Last edited by 2worlds; Sep 6, 2011 at 05:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
So, I just did something along those lines.

Rod of Ages
boots of swiftness
Force of Nature

Ended up with ~6300 HP
So, that would put my effective health somewhere around.....
13155 according to your percentages.

Btw, that game lasted a hour and a half.

Stats on that were:
Last edited by Yourface; Sep 6, 2011 at 05:40 AM.
Talon isnt free this week, GG riot
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I find myself wanting that Arctic Warfare Caitlyn skin, but to get it I need a US copy of PC Gamer magazine.

So if any of you US people wanna buy the magazine and give me the code, I will pay you back in whatever way you want (tc or items or $$)
;kjgvad;lgvjadkvbh adlk'bv jadf;bk,xcvl;b mfsk;cj gbksfjgb lfsm bklfsnb kkfsdz'l bm
fas b[l
on ljxcv
lbj msfkl;
mzc kczm vbkpfkjcz



Every fuckin game since yesterday is lost thanks to pro elo shaco players.
Even when I get turbofed with corki, can't do a shit with fuckin feeder in team :C
God, grant me a power to punch ppl in face via TCP/IP protocol D:
Originally Posted by rafufu View Post
I find myself wanting that Arctic Warfare Caitlyn skin, but to get it I need a US copy of PC Gamer magazine.

So if any of you US people wanna buy the magazine and give me the code, I will pay you back in whatever way you want (tc or items or $$)

So that's how you get it. Which issue? Do want.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Can we talk about Riven the exile? ( is she/he a girl or a boy?
oh and try buying 4 infinity edge my team mate noc bought it and he got a triple kill in a few seconds XD
Last edited by Xyreant; Sep 8, 2011 at 12:15 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
im Awesome! A proud member of iCoF - Xyreant