Originally Posted by haXu View Post
Yeah but its hard because we live all around the world but i got summer vacation and im up all night long

I am also on Summer Vacation staying up pretty Late.
Also if any one has an Xbox One PM me to play sometime.
Guess Who's Back?
Originally Posted by openfield View Post
it's still a hellfire in my room (about 30 degrees C)

No fans or aircons at your place? That's really rough, I basically live indoors all the time with temperatures like that
Nah, I don't have those thingies because temperatures aren't usually that high. And my PC adds to even hotter temperatures. But there is a huge storm comming in the next days, so I guess it will cool down again.
Element <3
Can somebody explain what this JO tag is?
Does it have something to do with Steam?

I assume you can join a server by clicking it, but can somebody who knows how it works explain it to me.