Originally Posted by Gangster View Post
ummmmmmm...... (lick) DONE lel

AGAIN!!!! Also anyone want to join the room were in? Join M

Originally Posted by Juliano View Post
I wanna duel, mushu is teh best mod.

i hate duel now :/
Its make me fuckin bankrupted
also i was lost 13k to Gangster few days ago
M e H
ye i hate russian
u know....
Deathdancerr said to me "Russian are retarted" <---- im serious
and i asking to him "Are u retarted too?"
he said "prob"
Russian is too much lift n shovel shit
like Gman
from now, im gonna stop DUELING shit
its make me GAY
Also, i just gonna get 70k+ from Adel soon
M e H
Originally Posted by Groumet View Post
ye i hate russian
u know....
Deathdancerr said to me "Russian are retarted" <---- im serious
and i asking to him "Are u retarted too?"
he said "prob"
Russian is too much lift n shovel shit
like Gman
from now, im gonna stop DUELING shit
its make me GAY
Also, i just gonna get 70k+ from Adel soon

clam down and that's a little racist but its ok
IM A TORI Gangster
Originally Posted by Groumet View Post
ye i hate russian
u know....
Deathdancerr said to me "Russian are retarted" <---- im serious
and i asking to him "Are u retarted too?"
he said "prob"
Russian is too much lift n shovel shit
like Gman
from now, im gonna stop DUELING shit
its make me GAY
Also, i just gonna get 70k+ from Adel soon

How does that make you gay...

Originally Posted by Gangster View Post
hi im gangster and i would like to become a ally


Originally Posted by Groumet View Post
i hate duel now :/
Its make me fuckin bankrupted
also i was lost 13k to Gangster few days ago

Lost 13k on bets room, lost 30k in a duel, lost 100k buying shit... happens.... but he sucks, lol. õ.o

Originally Posted by Groumet View Post
ye i hate russian
u know....
Deathdancerr said to me "Russian are retarted" <---- im serious
and i asking to him "Are u retarted too?"
he said "prob"
Russian is too much lift n shovel shit
like Gman
from now, im gonna stop DUELING shit
its make me GAY
Also, i just gonna get 70k+ from Adel soon

Nah, take calm bro, russians aren't that "retard" as you're saying, well, just some of them, i have some russian friends and they're pretty cool. And to be since, a lot of guys use shovel, most of them arent rly russians.

Originally Posted by Gangster View Post
clam down and that's a little racist but its ok

Well, no worries, no worries, people hate Brazil, and i hate too, so i dunt care. ;3

Originally Posted by goughy1210 View Post
How does that make you gay...

The world is gay. .-.
Originally Posted by Kratos View Post

The world is gay. .-.

As in happy gay? because I find it hard to believe the earth has a sexual preference and if it does I want to marry it.
You know when you have one of those days where everythings amazing and awesome? Today is not one of those.
Last edited by Goughy; Dec 10, 2013 at 12:04 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Oh, it's just a day goughy, take calm bro, i wouldn't say that it was amazing, i'll have to do everything i want today, but i'll have a hard final test on 12nd, December. it won't be amazing. :l
OK let me rephrase the statement then. You know when you're having one of those days where you can tolerate humanity and don't flip out punching people and losing your temper over nothing? Today is far from that.

And your awesome anyway so your sorted for the exams.
