:o No...That's a bit extreme, this clan had loads of greats moments, you guys just need to bring them back! Make events, recruit people, be active! I have faith.
㋡ My TB A$AP Homies ㋡
[PS4 - Xx_MeekMill_xX]
Yes, we're dying.
I am extremely disappointed with myself for not doing anything, and for not wanting to do anything about it. Fyre is, or was, a great clan with many possibilities and chances, but our inexperience with clans made us fail, somehow. Sorry, everyone, for disappointing y'all.

I guess that's it.
There are no stupid questions, just stupid people
Hamsters ♥ Eternally proud to be Fyre ♥
you people piss me off.
just rolling over and accepting it.
you are the ones to keep it alive, and you are the one's that kill it. nuff' said.
i like cats
feck im sorry! D:
I promised my inactivity would be 2 weeks only, but life dumped shit on...well, ALL of us I suppose. We HAVE to fix this somehow. HEYHEYHEY
What if, we have a debate if like...or a battle...or something! There are a lot of groupings here. Like:
Bronies- versus anti-bronies,
MTG people vs. Yu-gi-oh or some shit,
Minecrafters vs. Runescapers.
Our fire will not cease until everybody stops trying. Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. It will build our fire, and it will become an eternal blaze again.
A clan is a clan. A family. It is not just a group of random people. It's a family that bonded time and time again, bonds through it all, after problems, achievements, win, fails. Everything.
And if this family's fyre gets snuffed out, like a phoenix, it will make another fyre in our hearts, and this family, though separated, will always remain together.

We have been through this then, why not solve it again now?
C'mon. Let's try it.
R.I.P. Fyre (October 17, 2011-February 27, 2015) It was a great run guys. Miss you already
... mtg will win. there is seriousally no fight there.
minecraft wins
and bronies are too damn stubborn to even try xD
i like cats