So I go to sleep when Sado is working on Nocheerios's avvy and he says he'll be going to sleep after that one because he's hella tired. Wake up in the morning to a full quilt. Well. I guess that's cool. I tell ya. This Sado guy is nuts. XD Thanks for the new avvy, bro.
-[X] - Forever
Clan [X] Art
dayum 200k? wanna share that payout dawg?
Due to people liking my avatars I opened up an avatar shop it's going pretty good. made about 10k today.
Last edited by Sado; Sep 17, 2011 at 12:23 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
meap rocks
Guys... we need more members you know...
We must open the recruting servers or something...
Girls Power
Agreed i think there is 9 of us and imo i don't think that's such a big number for
a clan.
~I make videos and stuff~
Originally Posted by machker94 View Post
Agreed i think there is 9 of us and imo i don't think that's such a big number for
a clan.

Well 9 people are enough.

Anyways should i apply now or wait?

Last edited by Suspect; Sep 17, 2011 at 02:28 PM.
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
I think we should apply.
We waited way to much time.

Alright i will post the app here before applying.

Clan Application
Clan name: NeXus
Clan tag: (undecided)
Link to your clan's thread: Nexus clan thread
Link to any external forums if you are using any: Facebook and Irc
Clan subtitle: (optional) Virginity...............
Leaders name: (red and bold please) Blackdemon and ICo0n
Moderators you want for your board: (no more than 3) ICo0n , Blackdemon , (One more space)
If you get rejected, who to send the 30k refund to: Darkoh

Guys help me finish it.
Last edited by Suspect; Sep 17, 2011 at 02:50 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
We should decide who will be the third moderator.
And about the clan tag, N?
Do you really think you're in control
Originally Posted by iCo0n View Post
We should decide who will be the third moderator.
And about the clan tag, N?

Okay,well decide quickly.
Who ever it is he/she has to be active and forum wise.
Clan Application
Clan name: NeXus
Clan tag: [N]
Link to your clan's thread: Nexus clan thread
Link to any external forums if you are using any: Facebook and Irc
Clan subtitle: (optional) none
Leaders name: (red and bold please) Blackdemon and ICo0n
Moderators you want for your board: (no more than 3) ICo0n , Blackdemon , Toxico21
If you get rejected, who to send the 30k refund to: Darkoh

ok guys vote for a 3rd mod except yourself.........
Last edited by Suspect; Sep 17, 2011 at 03:17 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump