Age: 14
Nationality: india
Belt: blue- brown
Preferred Mods:wushu, lenshu, mushu, aikido
Old Clans: -
Why do you want to join?:you tell why should'ent i?
What kind of skills do you bring to Urban?: whatever you like!
Other Qualities: all.
Last edited by Acne_old; Feb 18, 2014 at 07:39 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
hey um if i were to leave my clan would i be able to aply and whats the chances of me getting?
I will become one of the greats,just like buakaw,saenchai and even sparky

Nationality: American.

Belt:Black, Alt.

Preferred Mods:All.

Old Clans:Founder of C3/:3.

Why do you want to join?: I have been spectating "Urban" For some time now. It has really caught my interest in becoming apart of such a well designed clan.

What kind of skills do you bring to Urban?:Anything you can name, I have it. Dealing with mods, and game modes that is. Not to much good at Texturing.

Other Qualities: I draw, Make videos. Computer Science degree. Anything that deals with Computers really.

You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below)
A video I made awhile back including some SP replays.
It's just me, and SP.
Not the best at, SP, I am best at MP. But I can do anything really if I sat there and tried in SinglePlayer. Just gets boreing.
Last edited by Kuttle; Feb 21, 2014 at 06:29 AM.
Actually, I would like to withdraw my app. You guys are too inactive. :/
Last edited by waifu; Mar 4, 2014 at 08:26 PM.
Originally Posted by Kill4U View Post
Actually, I would like to withdraw my app. You guys are too inactive. :/

sucks that you betray lord helix fossil. tsk tsk tsk. and you were going to make it. oh well.
Chilling. Rip Urban unit