Originally Posted by Dobby View Post
But.... i don't wear them.... They're my slightly magical semen covered socks...


... you win this round Dobby.

But I'll be back. And when I come, there will be a sockpocalypse.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I wear mai socks whenever I want to.butsometimestheyhurtme
funny blue smiling person
please to be enjoying lowkido
let's bring minibash back!
Originally Posted by Ninjakid57 View Post
I wear mai socks whenever I want to.butsometimestheyhurtme

what the hell who are you
oh yeah
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
... you win this round Dobby.

But I'll be back. And when I come, there will be a sockpocalypse.

Never capitilize any letter of dobbys name, he doth not deserve this honor.

dobby never wins, from this day forth I will burn all socks.

This kid called ninjasomething is clearly not Batman.
Quiet. Le master is thinking.

Pls look at my math.

