Another App by Scintillate
I warned you guys that I would be persistent. Enough said.


I, as many times stated before, am Scintillate (If you want just call me Scin). I am living in Sydney, Australia and my timezone of GMT+10 will make it hard to communicate with some of you (Americans). I would really like to join [Nitro].

Why Nitro?

Nitro is a prestigious clan with some great names in it. I have played with many people in Nitro - Boyakhasa, AcJudoka, Day, and many more here and there. (Apologies for any spelling errors). When I was told to experience clan life I realised that I didn't want my name out there as someone from a different clan. I wanted to be known as Scintillate, the one who is Nitro and Nitro only. I have been denied many times before, but that only makes me want to try harder. You see, playing toribash with no one to talk to gets kind of boring so I though that if I joined a clan, an active one at that, I could have friends to socialise with while I play!

Why Me?

I have experienced clan life without joining any specific clan. I have discussed the mechanics of parkour with Mocucha [eVo], fought with and against a few members of [Black_Ma], and I have parkoured with Ohmygulay [Mythical]. I wanted, however, my first clan to be Nitro. I am a brown belt, but I had one previous account that got to blue before I forgot the account. When I last fought Day and Acjudoka, months ago, I came off about even but I have improved a lot since then. I (as you can tell) can speak fluent english, but I also speak a bit of French and semi-fluent Japanese, although I don't think that Japanese people play TB. If you want to recognise me in game, I have blue joints with a reddish gradient, and shutter shades. (yes, i think they look cool)

About Me.

There's not much to say. When I am not freaking out about my coming period of exams, I like socialising with friends, playing competitive tennis, and doing really well at school. I live in Sydney, Australia with a GMT+10. If there is anything else you want to know about me, don't hesitate to ask!


I really, really want to join Nitro and I hope I didn't annoy you with my overuse of ({[parentheses!]}) It won't happen again, I swear!!!

Look, I know that you could pick anyone else here that is applying, but it would mean so much more to me than anyone else.

In the glorious name of persistence,
Before anyone offers their opinion on scintillante, I ask you to look at how many times he has applied. We need some persistence and dedication.

Yes from me ;)
Co-leader of Nitro | Replays
Yayyyy thanks so much!
The old Scintillate can't come to the phone right now. Why? Well we was afk for approximately a year and a half.
He has applied multiple times, but he has also applied to eVo 3weeks ago which was the reason he was denied last time.
Nitro Application
Hello hopeful comrades

I am 14 years old and I am almost a black belt. I am interested in joining this clan because i heard good things about you guys and I would like a shot in being in the top two. I have 2 brothers that play Toribash, and I am the best out of both of them. I am whenever i am in a match, when im waiting and a in katana. I your clan and I wish the best for you guys. I sometimes kill myself in order for other people to play when I have a streak. I may kill myself for comrades. I am a very confident and fair Man, and I always Smile some say im a very guy. My motto is 10% luck 20% skill and 15% concentrated power of will. which means in all i only use 40% of my strength. Please Accept me into the clan, I will be really happy. Thank you and Have a great day.
While your app is unique, their is no real benefit we receive from recruiting you. More than your skill in game, we'd like to know how you carry yourself and WHY we should let you join
