Belt: 10th dan like less than 1k games away from master belt XP
Why: I enjoy playing wushu and pro clapping and shoveling with odlov plus if i win tournaments i can just give the tc to the clan.
Previous clans:well, I've been in a lot over the past two years but in the last year or so i was in DAT and JollyRoger.

also R.I.P. George Carlin.(funny man)
Last edited by iMOD3RN15; Oct 12, 2009 at 04:46 PM.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
//Invade// So Imodern your gonna leave Jollyrodger after just joining it? What a shame, that must've been the third clan you left this week. I seriosly dnt recomend Imodern srry for the invade, I just respect this clan to much to think that Imodern would join you guys. //invade//
Rogue clown
lets keep this PG-13,k dillon sorry to burst your bubble but ive been in jolly roger since the begining(february 2009) anyway and you can ask neon athens or brucia, but before you come and invade a different forum please get your facts straight thank you XP
Last edited by iMOD3RN15; Oct 13, 2009 at 07:43 PM.
I N C R E D I B L E H !
I've just read the whole thread. It's awesome, how do you find so much images ?
And i noticed that noone joined Alpha this way too. Is this thread just here for fun ?
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