Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
Want to give me that id hanz0? Im juat running bounties and rifts for blood. Got a sheild that makes my hammers do more damage to first three enemies. Good burst. Might ease into t1

yeah I think that shield is the one you want for the hammerdin build anyway so that's cool

Originally Posted by Colossus View Post
got my gear almost finished, just need the focus to end it up


now since the only thing I need other than focus is to go for ancestral gear, I'll level a wizard.

lucky bastard with your ancient lion's claw
looks like you're missing the fist of ass ass ass turock as well, that's a straight doubling of your damage (assuming 100% legendary roll)
also you should consider getting rid of that sss damage on your chest, sss isn't your primary source of damage with uliana's and a toughness roll would be much more useful

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Yeah I know about the sss damage but it is the only viable option I had in that chest, and I'm focusing my shards on the ring for now since the chest is "okay" even with the SSS damage.

and yeah, I totally forgot about the az'turrasq thing.

Time for more farming now I guess.

By the way, I have 27 legendary powers in my cube, I also got the achievement for extracting 25 but it didn't count on my season journey objective.. :/
yeah the seasonal journey thing is a bit screwy, if you keep extracting powers eventually it'll say "oh you got 25"

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Hanz0, would you recommend swapping Mirinae for Iceblink since the EP damage is frost? Or is there a better gem (that I didn't drop yet) ?

Also would you mind if I add you on battle.net ?
on seasonal people tend to run bane of the trapped, gogok, and bane of the stricken

you can add me but I tend not to play mp with many people, prefer doing my own thing, hanz0#1781

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Day 29, still no Grin Reaper and nothing to replace my level 61 Ouroboros.

Getting there but still not doing what I want. Can do Grift 40/max party tho

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

did a lucky and got a(nother) furnace and a pretty nice ancient lion's claw

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Wait, WAAAAAIT! HOLD ON, step it back. Can someone explain the cube to me? Do I actually get the powers I put in rather than be able to assign them to new items as I was led to believe like by my mate.....
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits
yeah they basically become like passive skills which you can equip, don't need to put them 'on an item'

"i wish i could do that ken watanabe face where his eyes are really wide" -siku 2015
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Well shit, I wasted some mats on crafting. Blizzard bought the bounties into a new light this season, I have something to do rather than grind rifts haha
Wanna see some ruffled feathers in Taekkyon

<Icky> Damn my mouth is on fire but my loins stir like the straits