Originally Posted by Bust3r View Post
Real Life.

It's awesome, great graphics. But you only have one life, which kinda sucks. And you can't save the game.

AND NO CUTSCENES, like wtf. No game is complete without awesome cutscenes.

God, this game sucks so hard.
The physics engine is totally not-realistic.
And NPCs are boring as shit.
And when you get too high level you are getting your attributes lowered :|
Originally Posted by GrayveXP View Post
lol... What about Captain Forever?

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Originally Posted by GrayveXP View Post
Damn. High quality Kordiss. You have a nice camera O.O

destiny, wow... I thought you we're older O.O

Bilza, exactly as I though. You look like Bust3r.

Vark, you're blond? Shit... That was the last thing I would think of Your bro is blond too?

Also, I doubt that you guys can describe me. How do you think that I look? I'm trying to find a pic here... If I'm allowed to post...

You are!

Also hurrr.

My sexy hair:

And my sexy shades:
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.