Well I'm back over 1kk tc again , and the most i've ever had at once was 1.2kk. Once I get over that like 1.3 or so I'll donate a nice chunk to the clan if accepted , and I would like to fund a few events n shit. Just an idea.
..::]Dpod's Shop Comming Soon[::..
I have 1.1 mil tc soon I cold have around 1.5mil. I also have quite a few force and relax.

MY INVENTORY are you able to view both active and inactive?


ACTIVE If not there you go
Last edited by dpod; Jul 30, 2010 at 07:33 AM.
..::]Dpod's Shop Comming Soon[::..
Where is the point in have 1mil tc? Gimme 20k :3. Nah Ijking. But if you want to, by all means go for it.
fl0w. Logo Designer, PM me.