Originally Posted by randomguy8 View Post
when you say NO!!!!!!!!!! do you mean you disagree with what i said or they suck?

I disagree very much go out and but sonic gems collection and play those games you'll love them.
I'm on a quest to make a clan that will rival the power of [rawr] any name ideas? PM me
Originally Posted by Fourfive View Post
I disagree very much go out and but sonic gems collection and play those games you'll love them.

I borrowed jems collection from my friend and played those games.

I dont like em. but if you like them thats fine
I had this old Animorphs game for the gameboy, I had no idea how to play it and don't even know where it is anymore but it pissed me off so much
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
If I had to choose the worst game I have played it would have to be red steel on Wii I mean The guns and swords werent even That good like not accurate I swear sometimes I would be cutting at the Guy and it says that Im all the way off the screen :P But I really liked Wii sport resort < Nice sword games
Back in business
Originally Posted by Ravis View Post
I had this old Animorphs game for the gameboy, I had no idea how to play it and don't even know where it is anymore but it pissed me off so much

i had one for PS1. it was a crappy platformer with horrible controls and easy battles
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare

I felt that the 2nd and 3rd was the most intense war games I've played in a long time with barely any retarded things about the gameplay. Like on Call of Duty 4 when you're point blank you see a guy and you stop to shoot because running and shooting is hopeless, but then he kills you first anyways even at point blank. Using the knife kind of sucked because the knife fights were to much like Turok, but not as good because you barely miss. And the lame ass levels except Overgrown.

Sonic DX
Sonic Heroes and everything after.

Mainly the shitty, shitty story lines with shitty, shitty twists with shitty, shitty dialogue with shitty, shitty new characters. They're just milking it out.
Modern warfare? That game rocks. Maybe you have a different kind of taste
Anyways, Killing floor is the worse game. I just hate it, The graphics sucks, gameplay is boring, sound effects really sucks.
i think tony hawks proving ground for ps2 is a very bad game because its only copied from ps3 and xbox ( very bad copied )
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How can a game made for the ps2 be copied from the ps3 and the xbox?

Was the game first released for the ps3 then ported to the ps2, doesn't make that much sense.