Originally Posted by ryuking View Post
Timezone (GMT):+7
Overall Forum/Ingame/IRC Activity:im active in forum
Previous clans:-Lic
Why you want to join us:i like this clan and i wanna have more friend
How we can benefit from you as a member:i can donate a tc and i will active in clan thread
(sorry for my bad english)

does that mean 1 tc? o.o
Wanna play some [CHESS]? <3
That one toricredit could go toward buying a brand new chronos timer for the clan! Wouldn't that be awesome?!

Please try again later, if you don't end up quitting Toribash and not bothering to re-apply.
Name: Chuguman
Age: 12
Belt: Green
Timezone (GMT): 5 (central time)
Talents: I can find good counters to my opponent's attacks
Overall activity: Not so much on the forum as I'm usually ingame.
Previous clans: Bleu
Why I want to join: I want to become more active in the forum, and this clan seems like a good group of people to get started.
What can I contribute: I will donate all my TC (all of it) for the benefit of the clan.
Last edited by Chuguman; Aug 15, 2012 at 06:24 PM.
This isn't a signature, I swear
Holy shit people, stop trying to give us tc.
And, no.

Why do we even have that format? I hate formats.
daddy kill the spider