Originally Posted by Ewall View Post
Stupid new lvl 85 pvp gear looks like shit compared to the old 80 gear

In an honest opinion, I just leveled my mage to 85, and I think the 85 gear for mages look pretty hot, especially on undead.

By the way, my play time without using any guides (only carbonite), I leveled my guy from 1-85 in the gameplay time of 3 days, 15 hours, 24 minutes, and like 15 seconds.

Not bad for not using a guide, eh?

Anyway, I play on Burning legion if anyone cares.
so despite me being a blood elf female paladin (bad plate armor etc) i will look pretty hot with my new level 70 PvP armor, working towards it now.
so despite me wanting the 70 PvP armor, i think i'm going to actually just rush from 69-80 today and then work on some 80 dungeons/raids and maybe some PvP stuff.
I find it hard to play this game for more than one hour.
Maybe I'm just not cut for mmorpgs.
TP|Guardians| Hai. Watz upz.
also new patch coming out in a few months that will allow you to set the appearance of any item you have to another item of the same type.

yay double war glaives at level 85!
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
so despite me wanting the 70 PvP armor, i think i'm going to actually just rush from 69-80 today and then work on some 80 dungeons/raids and maybe some PvP stuff.

I'd wait till 85.

Actually, 80-85 is a breeze, and it is one of the more fun times while leveling.

I suggest doing 69-85 and then getting into dungeons/raids.

That's what I did, anyway.
the problem is (which i found out today) is that i'm stuck at the cap of 70, i thought that the lich trial would allow me to pass that but i guess not.