he's quite a safe pick and a great counterpick against all AP heroes (especially in 5v5 mid). Furthermore he's quite tanky and supportiv. I dunno, but I like this combination, that's the main reason I want to buy him ;)
Galio is a very good counter against most things and always brilliant to have on a team, his item dependancy is his weakness, but hey, all heroes must have a weakness and if its just the items, I'd rather have that for my weakness x)
hm, I decided against Galio since he isnt that useful in 3v3, which I'm playing only.
Furthermore I'm currently looking for a good champ in 3v3 (got over 6300 IP, so that's not the problem).

Current ideas: Fizz, Ziggs, Jax, Sion, Xin and Lee Sin.
Any advice?
Wow.. thats a tough one.. Although drop out Ziggs, annoying in 3v3 xP

Hmm.. Fizz is really good.. but so is Xin.. but so is.. OH GOD it depends on your teammates xP

Fizz if you lack the AP, Sion if you need a bit of tanky/damage, Xiao if you need AD, totally up to you xP
my current picks for 3v3 are:

Mundo (tank/support), Warwick (DPS/tanky) and Shaco (AD).

meaning I need one with hard CC and one AP.
Already thought about Karthus, but seems like he is mostly useless in 3v3..
Guys i play on EU West and EU East, I have two accounts as you can see with one who is level 30 and one who is almost level 30.

I like to counterpick and also pick last as the team so i can balance the team out for example...

Ashe and sona bottom: Mundo (jungler)
Ezreal and Leona/Soraka: Lee Sin / WarWick.

Now you had a little sneak peak of what I like to pick when i'm playing. ;)

(I knew about LoL sence beta but i wasn't in to it then but later on my friends started playing it and i started too)
<@Scorp> koor i love you
still thinking about the champ I should buy for 3v3..
Considered Ziggs, but he's kind of a hard pick since 3v3 aren't that long and he relies pretty much on farm/getting feeded early. Furthermore one can easily dodge his ult there.
Is Lee Sin hard to play?
Lee Sin is a bit hard to grasp at first, so play with some bots till you feel fluid with him, then move on and practice by kicking some ass xP
same for me, beside the fact that I'm in GB the upcoming week
@Soul: wanna meet in RL then?

btw: decided for Darius, since he's a decent (and with decent I mean fully OP!) bruiser for 3v3. I think I can play well with him until he gets nerfed to the ground
*Facepalm* Darius is sooooooooooooooooooo..... etc.

You know what i was goign to say anyways i have lee sin and i know he's perfect for 3v3 good ganks nice shortcut's escapes and also his kick which can lead to victory or defeat.

Darius needs to be fed to do good or else his only strong early game and weaker late game.
<@Scorp> koor i love you