Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Recent patch reworked his spear, stun, and heartseeker, as well as made his ult useful. His heartseeker strike should still be capable of dealing 600 damage aoe with just 1 bf sword. Add the stun, the spear, and the auto-attack or two you should get in, that's easily 1000 damage to a single target. And this can be as early as early-mid to mid game, depending on how fed you are. And you have to take into consideration he insta-crits if they are below 15% health with both spears and auto-attacks.

Easily could outlane 2 people as panth because of his spear harass and potential nuking capabilities (Numbers can attest to this, he's seen me do it multiple times). Level 2 spear shot should be doing an instant 100 - 150 ranged damage for only 40 mana. Plus some mana regen, you should be harassing the opponent to dangerously low levels, where they risk getting finished by a stun, heartseeker combo, effectively zoning them at any indication of aggression (as they have to start running as soon as you start, due to an above average ms). Add the ult that basically doubles as a teleport, you have all the ingredients for huge lane dominance.

/rant, but I've been so pissed that I haven't been able to play LoL that I just need to vent SOMETHING. Seriously, why the hell does my uni connection stop the client download :/

Mk, I thought they did something. I bought him ages ago, when he was shit, and i play him today and was all like wuuuuut.
Also, start with boots +three health pots, rush a brutaliser, rape.
Last edited by fat0ninja; Aug 28, 2011 at 09:54 AM.
Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Mk, I thought they did something. I bought him ages ago, when he was shit, and i play him today and was all like wuuuuut.
Also, start with boots +three health pots, rush a brutaliser, rape.

You don't get lane dominance with boots, you get it with an early game meki which you sell by early-mid to late. The extra mana regen helps you harass more in the lane, plus gives you extra spears for last hits.

Brutaliser is fine, but the cd reduc and the armor pen don't make up for the pure brute power of a bf. Plus, the cd reduc will result in you skill spamming, wasting mana when you don't have the mana regen to back it up.

IMO, always rush an ie, because instant crits at <15% hp is something you want to take advantage of. 250% crit on a spear that normally does 300 is now a 800 damage torpedo of rape heading for the enemy, assuming little to no armor items (I know I should, but panth should be focusing the squishies who normally have little to no armor). To survive that, this squishy better have a veil, or they somehow have around 5300 hp by default. So chogath is pretty much the only person who can reach that by pure hp stacking, but not by the time you get an ie. Which means it's instant death for anybody who gets speared.
nyan :3
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Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
You don't get lane dominance with boots, you get it with an early game meki which you sell by early-mid to late. The extra mana regen helps you harass more in the lane, plus gives you extra spears for last hits.

Brutaliser is fine, but the cd reduc and the armor pen don't make up for the pure brute power of a bf. Plus, the cd reduc will result in you skill spamming, wasting mana when you don't have the mana regen to back it up.

IMO, always rush an ie, because instant crits at <15% hp is something you want to take advantage of. 250% crit on a spear that normally does 300 is now a 800 damage torpedo of rape heading for the enemy, assuming little to no armor items (I know I should, but panth should be focusing the squishies who normally have little to no armor). To survive that, this squishy better have a veil, or they somehow have around 5300 hp by default. So chogath is pretty much the only person who can reach that by pure hp stacking, but not by the time you get an ie. Which means it's instant death for anybody who gets speared.

I guess. I prefer boots to get into range for spear harassing etc. And I rush a brutaliser because that armour pen early on is pretty devastating. Rushing an iedge is a good alternative though.
What's the point in triple doran's ring/blade anyway? I only ever get two because that's basically all you need. If you get three, then you're taking up way too much space in your item slots that should be going towards your lategame build, not to mention a waste of money. Two Doran's items is basically all you need for early and mid game, especially for AP Carries. Then they can spam skills all day.
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Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
What's the point in triple doran's ring/blade anyway? I only ever get two because that's basically all you need. If you get three, then you're taking up way too much space in your item slots that should be going towards your lategame build, not to mention a waste of money. Two Doran's items is basically all you need for early and mid game, especially for AP Carries. Then they can spam skills all day.

I totally agree with you.
Originally Posted by Devilstone View Post
LoL is not good

Do you played it ?
<ego>holy fuck a bat is in my room
- ego quit (Ping timeout)
Originally Posted by Numbers View Post
What's the point in triple doran's ring/blade anyway? I only ever get two because that's basically all you need. If you get three, then you're taking up way too much space in your item slots that should be going towards your lategame build, not to mention a waste of money. Two Doran's items is basically all you need for early and mid game, especially for AP Carries. Then they can spam skills all day.

Early game dominance. With 3 dorans blades you've got a decent health pool and some ok damage. You can sell them as you need more space towards the mid game.