Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'm interested in knowing Duck, not interested at all in Tristan
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Alright hey guys, I'm not much of a memer, so don't expect much 'quality' from me.

I like to start most apps with some outside info, a little personal guy to guy time. My name is Schylar, I'm from the South East part of US. I work a full time job as a HAZMAT Specialist, currently awaiting my radioactive superpowers. I travel out of state a lot for work, spending majority of my time living in a hotel, missing home. When I am home, hobby wise I love playing golf. And the occasional drawing, even though I lack skill in every aspect of it. (Check spoilers at end of app). Currently dating this super sweet girl named Courtney, we've been together a little over 10 months now, and she gets annoyed with the amount of time I am on Toribash. (Pictures of her and I also in spoiler)

Anyways, Toribash wise I started in late 2011, and have gone through multiple name changes including(but not limited to): Rawh>-Ben>Suck>Ping. I played up until about 2014 actively. I became Market Squad around 2013 ish times. Eventually retired from it due to lack of activity which eventually led to me going inactive from late 2014 until about last month some time. I stopped in every 6 months or so to check up on old friends. Now I am back, full force, spending ridiculous amounts of time in this game and on the forums everyday, mostly chatting with people, as I have never been too too good ingame. The community has always been my favorite part of this game (disregard all the toxic/immature audience it attracts). In which time I have come to know a good many of the people in Parrot.

Going to keep seperating up these paragraphs so they dont look like a huge wall of text, more appeal. But as of clans, I was in Inq from about early 2014 until I came back in August this year, in which Wizard asked me to come to [im]. I stayed there for a while until I found myself with Family, where there were many old faces in which I had been friends with for many years. As you all know, Family has dissolved to the underworld. So as I cherish my clanlessness, I figured I would attempt to find my place here. (Very original quote, not stolen from 1000's of apps across the board).

And as my talents are very limited irl wise to 'persuade' the members on why I should be invited. I offer a pizza from your favorite pizza delivery shop to Moop or liaxo, or whomever shall require a pizza. I offered one to Reta, but to his misfortune, the closest Dominos is away, and does not deliver. RIP. And now for some pictures in the description.


Courtney and I

We were bowling here

A trip to the World of Coke

Thanks for taking the time to read my indepth documentary of Ping's life. Possibly to be continued? If you have questions feel free to ask. Or if you would like to request some art, feel free to ask. Or if you would like to be the one to request a pizza, feel free to ask, with confirmation from Moop. Thanks.

He didn't even check if the dominos delivers here.
Neither did he ask me if i could just go get it.
Not dedicated enough

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

Im almost sure, you assured me it was 25+ km away, which i could be wrong here, but I do not think dominoes delivers 15 miles away. Albeit if they do, I will order you a pizza to your village of 25k people. But you must confirm with Moop first if you can have the Parrot Pizza.

Yo what's going on guys it's your boy Butler here coming at you with a brand new application (the best intro ever right?)

Anyways sup guys, my name's Butler or Ethan if you wanna call me that.
I am 18 years old and I was born and still live in South Africa.
I'm sure a few of you may know me, but if you don't, I am a pretty fun, friendly guy.

I've been a 2nd Dan Black Belt for about 4 years now because I'm garbage at the game as you can see by my 40,26% win ratio.
I do try to play the game and I guarantee that I'll have at least a 50% chance of beating people in lightninglenshujoust.tbm. Yes, that's right, lightninglenshu JOUST because I dunno how to get to other players in lenshu sorry.

The reason I'm applying is that I've seen a few buddies of mine in this clan already as well as a few currently applying.
I'm not much of a memer mostly because I am a meme myself (I don't want to be a meme pls save me)
I do make video memes though, which are provided in the spoiler below.


I also do edits, usually paid edits on games like COD but I'm going to try get into Toribash edits some day.

What can I bring to Parrot?
Nothing much tbh. I can bring my lovely personality as well as editing possibly (when i have time).
I can also help you get some $hiai Tokens by whispering you the answers to trivia questions before I ask them.

Although I'm not good at Toribash, I'm fairly good at:
League of Legends (not really good I'm bronze 3 lol)
CS:GO (again not really good I'm unranked for now)
Video Editing (I'm pretty decent, I mean people are paying me like $30 for edits so that must mean something)
Rocket League (I'm also pretty bad at that but I'll get there)
Okay fine I'm bad at everything besides editing.
What I am good at is being a South African!
Here's a picture of me at the club!

Picture of me at the club

Now you may think I'm the guy in the middle because I'm from South Africa and you're most probably stereotyping me, but jokes on you! I'm actually the confused looking guy on the left.

Welp this has been my application, if you have any questions feel free to:
-PM me on the forums
-Message me on Discord: Rivers#5979
-IRC when I'm on

Thanks for reading homies
<Icky> Butler is the worst es
<Reta> can I fire him yet ?