Actually i might, people will look at me like bitch what you doing and in Quebec you'd be surprised how 40 years old ladies are easy to trigger but alrighty
Btw, maybe that doesnt seem that big of a deal for y'all but I'm a really shy person and human contacts aren't really my things.
I also hate everyone but thats a detail
Last edited by heat; Sep 26, 2017 at 01:56 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump

Find me ingame and duel me
I dont really see how those two things goes together but I guess I'll just say "yes"

Find me ingame and duel me

My name is Tristan. You can call me fatass since that's what my friends called me in highschool.

I'm 20 years old, my mental health is questionable and I don't know what I'm doing 80% of the fucking time.

I would consider myself complete dog ass in game and I'm good at about -3 mods. I usually play ABD and listen to some horse pussy music while naked in my room, fun right?

I'm from West Virginia, and for you out of US ppls that is the prime time sister fuckin area where it gets REALbad. Like worse than Static's family.

I know most of you, and I'd like to get to know the rest a more.
I'm ready to give my body to the clan, and also be a really really good cheerleader. I minored in Moral Support at college and I take pride in it.

I'm currently very active since my dickhole cunt fucker of a boss thinks I need less hours at work

I use Discord IRC etc.
Add me on Dicksword, Tristan :]#3769

Also, why parrot?

I'll miss you
Am not impressed, change that.

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god

lovely people

You may know me, you may not. I've sat around in #parrot for probably a year or two now, I rarely talk there nowadays but I used to join in on chats fairly usually.

Recently Family has decided to dissolve the clan and essentially remain a clan just on Discord.
It's been coming for a while now, and I think we are all mutually glad that we can now just talk to eachother without needing to worry about the clan side.

That being said, I have been, for the past few years, joining clans full of people I have known for a long time and talk to on the daily, but I wanted to change that. I want to meet new people and hopefully spark new friendships.
Yes, I do know some of the people in Parrot, no doubt, but there's definitely other guys here that I'd want to meet and talk to more.

Outside of the new friends, I know a few people in the clan that I think of as friends and like talking to, SmallBowl, Moop, Reta and iTemp come to mind right away. Since I have been hanging around your IRC for a while now I've come to appreciate the overall vibe of the clan and even now like to spend my time sitting and sometimes joining in on convos.

Those are my main reasons as to why I am applying, guess I should give you some reasons to consider me, let's start with a little introduction.
My nickname is duck, that's what people usually call me, but if you want to you can call me Sam. I'm a 16 year old student from Slovakia, a fairly small but pretty ok country to live in. I'm studying at a bilingual gymnasium since I had no idea what kind of future I wanted for myself, so I decided to just further my general studies, albeit in English. I'm also learning Spanish as my other language, I have a pretty basic understanding of it as of now, I could maybe hold a simple conversation.
I don't have a great lot of hobbies, I used to throw cards and got pretty good at it, then just kinda stopped. Nowadays I just doodle and make music from time to time, noot often tho.

On Toribash I mainly use the forums, but ever since I joined the ES i've been coming ingame more. I mostly spend my time on doing my staff work or just reading around in my subscribed threads. As per my staff positions, I am currently a Clan Manager, member of ES and an lmod in rapid threads, OT and replays. I enjoy my work and try to do it i n a way that won't make me hate it.

As per my history, I was in many clans, some I regret since I used to be a big time clan hopper, but I enjoyed my time in many of them. First that comes to mind is Tea, which I still think of as one of the best clans I experienced.
Then there were clans like Monk, Frost, TLL, KG, and the most recently, Family. I enjoyed all these clans, met some new people and had overall fun. Other than these I was in other clans less noteworthy, mainly Soul and Lawedan, both in my early days.

Well, that's about it. I now leave a gift for you in the form of a nice OC meme

aight boom

Thanks for your consideration!
Last edited by duck; Sep 27, 2017 at 01:02 PM.