View Poll Results: What do you do when a bear attacks?
Suplex the bear
24 Votes / 42.86%
Play dead
3 Votes / 5.36%
Climb a tree
0 Votes / 0%
Shovel the bear out of the ring
10 Votes / 17.86%
Challenge the bear to fisticuffs
11 Votes / 19.64%
Call in air support
8 Votes / 14.29%
Voters: 56. You may not vote on this poll
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Pretty cool replay, Monk.

Alright, I'm planning to host a Minecraft server purely for TGS members since I can't seem to find a server that fits my standards.
I have that same issue so I just made a server for me and my brother, pure vanilla no plug-ins or shit
How I like it c: but I'll play no matter what
~ raku ~ Team Girl Scouts ~ Clan League 2013 Champion ~ Duelist ~
Alright, so we've established that I'm capable of getting the server up with little to no lag. But now we must wait for Mojang's next version so the few problems that we have will be fixed.
cool, i'd like to play sometime.
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Is it only going to be pure vanilla? I've been playing minecraft for like, 3 years now, and it has a tendency to get old after that long. Especially since Jeb hasn't added anything substantial since he got put in charge...
Preposterously dank.
It will be a fairly basic server, and I plan to use one map for quite long period of time. A project of sorts. But I'll be putting in some little things such as McMMO and things like /sethome.
Originally Posted by Orko View Post
Alright, so we've established that I'm capable of getting the server up with little to no lag. But now we must wait for Mojang's next version so the few problems that we have will be fixed.

Sounds great, I'm down to play ;o
My third world internet connection couldn't even dream of working on a game like Minecraft. It can't even connect to Skype unless I pair it with another network.
free my melanin-enhanced fellow bobby shmurda
Kony's #1 Shooter
8:21 PM <duck> I'll touch your market all over

August Ames didn't die for this
Guys! I made something cool for you. You can use it as signature. But i made just three things. If you want something like this - write here or PM me

Something cool