Endurance Onslaught 6.0
should we make a new deciding poll or whatever for the fancy guy
i mean he hasn't posted much aka at all during this week really so idk what to say
haven't learned anything about him so
In-game name? gugugu1975

Do you have any references from any member of this clan or from any notable people, and if so, who are they? none

What clans have you been in previously? none

Have you ever been banned or infracted? no

Time zone? GMT -3

Times you'll be available to play? everyday

Would you like to declare an expression of a longing to be included within the congregation of many individuals in a desire to converse, said congregation identified sometimes as a whole as plural bamboo subsisting mammalians noted for their monochromatic colors and cuteness? nope

Is there anything crucial that you would like us to know about you? im a kiai maker
Does 1975 stand for your birth year? Because we're looking at 44 years of age here.

Perhaps doesn't fly. You also don't have much information. If you aren't 44 years then provide some more information about who you are!
Puffs, were you a bit tired when you did that math? 1975 would be 39 years ago.

Secondly, having checked earlier posts, in particular one from a couple of days ago which was an application to another clan, it would appear this person's age is 13.

Lastly, very unimpressed by this application so far; very minimal amount of information, along with (from the little that can be seen) quite disappointing grammar.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
In-game name? MrUnicorn

Do you have any references from any member of this clan or from any notable people, and if so, who are they? no

What clans have you been in previously? I was in ice dragons but I lost my internet for a while and they kicked me cuz I wasn't playing

Have you ever been banned or infracted? yes when I was new to the forums but since then no

Time zone? umm. idk the gmt thingy but I live in central U.S. time

Times you'll be available to play? in game like twice a week but in the forums atleast 3 hours a day

Would you like to declare an expression of a longing to be included within the congregation of many individuals in a desire to converse, said congregation identified sometimes as a whole as plural bamboo subsisting mammalians noted for their monochromatic colors and cuteness? yes I want to be in the clan. atleast I think that's what you're asking. ;)

Is there anything crucial that you would like us to know about you?
I'm a blackbelt in game. I am very friendly and fun
a few details to add:
we're pretty much a forum based clan and are pretty inactive ingame plus we're not entirely overactive in the forums
so if that fact alters your decision in any way srry to hear
but if you don't mind that, then okay good on you
what kind of person are you? personality? likes? hobbies?
why do you want to join the clan? any specific reason?/
info pls
I am a fun loving person. I am only rude or yell or anything if I am very pissed off. idk how to explain my personality. I am very hyper and love sweets. my hobbies include but are not limited to football, basketball, pretty much anything outdoors, and of course toribash. I want to join the clan because it is active in the forums and not so active in game, just like me
btw on my sign up I said 3 forum hours a day but I meant to put 1
Last edited by Tree; Jun 27, 2014 at 01:28 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump