I was looking back on some of our older chats and I realized how much some of us grew up while part of this clan. I was 12 when I joined... now I'm 18. I know that a bunch of you guys are around the same age too, and I can see why this clan slowly died. People quit toribash, people moved on, people grew up. It's still cool to see you guys posting though, and how a few of us are still quite active.

I'd like to thank you guys, though. The members that are here and the ones that left during my 6 years. You guys were a community that accepted me, a group of people that thought that I was cool while in real life I was a total dork. These days, I'm a pretty well-rounded individual who graduated with honors and is now travelling abroad. Cheers to Sigma, and cheers to the Toribash Forums.

Hope you're all having a wonderful christmas.
[T] ~~~~~> [Tigma] <~~~~~ [Sigma]
You should totally join my fanclub.
<3 to HiVolt. I was 13 when I joined Toribash (and sigma too i think) and now I'm 19. Time does fly when you dont check the forums for 4 years
master of the universe
Ohi. Im still alive in floridaland and havent been eaten by gators yet. Hows everyone been?
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars