Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Please keep to posting in the Essence-Minor thread for now.
You can find it here:

Edit: I just did a tally of our roster.
45 members in Essence. 36 members in Essence-Minor.
Combined, Essence is a clan of 81 people. >.>

Good statistics right there.

Yeah, love dat. now, i'll sleep at 4:00 am, play another games and play soccer for more time...
I just found out that it is Friday 13 ..
I guess it is horror watching time.
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

Originally Posted by VanHotsu View Post
Thanks for your opinion illv.
I'm glad to hear you like it.

- I've updated the Beginner's thread to be shorter, more concise, and less wordy with information. Read here and let me know your opinions.
- I've separated the applications for Essence and Essence-Minor to separate threads. There seemed to be too much confusion on which template to use and where to go. Our new application thread is here, in the Recruitment Center.
- I've updated the Essence Entry Guide here. It step to read the orientation guide has been removed. Required reading material is now as basic as possible.
- I've established a Development Discussion thread here for discussion on the development of Essence and Essence-Minor. You don't need to be a member of Essence to participate, so I encourage you all to do so if you're interested.
- Main Essence-Minor thread updated here. I've removed the header for Essence Entry Guide and have changed it to two text headers, one on joining, and one about Ess-M.

Future Updates
- I plan to make a section of the main Essence thread for the full Essence-Minor roster, removing +1 members from the main Ess-M thread to save space and page load-time.
- Orientation Guide needs updating to match new information and updates.
- I plan to arrange a small team of people interested in developing Essence and Essence-Minor, including non-essence members. (It's already in progress)
- I plan to make our Essence directory more readily available to people.
- I plan to modify the basic forum guide to be more user-friendly and readable. (Might need a lot of help on this one)

Also, for future reference, these sorts of updates will primarily be in the Development discussion thread.
The only reason they're here now is because I don't want to edit the first post of the thread and add this information in, only to remove it later.

I think I can help with the basic forum guide, technically adding some basic stuff and important matter regarding account management and forum activity.
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
I think I can help with the basic forum guide, technically adding some basic stuff and important matter regarding account management and forum activity.

That would be really awesome Sicks.
On the Essence board, you'll notice we have a development discussion thread.
You should post your ideas there. ^^

Also, if you'd like to actively contribute by either writing things or just offering opinions, I can list you as a developer. ^^
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Originally Posted by rappunk23 View Post
Please keep to posting in the Essence-Minor thread for now.
You can find it here:

Edit: I just did a tally of our roster.
45 members in Essence. 36 members in Essence-Minor.
Combined, Essence is a clan of 81 people. >.>

Whoa, I'm surprised that this thread isn't filled with spam.
Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Whoa, I'm surprised that this thread isn't filled with spam.

Most people are in-game folk.
The difficult part is getting them to post. >.>
zuɐɹpʞɹɐp ʇɔǝdxǝ | [ριïαâôz] | [εssεηcε]
Haha indeed, I think a few in Essence are also inactive. But most of the Essence-minor members are ingame players.