To Admins and above (Any ninja's/tsa whatever): What are your thoughts on pacman
Smods: Thoughts on dig dug
Gm's: What are your thoughts on Zelda
Msquad: Thoughts on super smash bros

Any other staff member: (item forgers etc) Thoughts on tetris

:P Had to be specific.. Pacman totally the best anyways.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Staff I have a question , specifically to Msquad staff . How many positions left for msquaders ?
Poop poop poop shit shit piss pussy pear-shaped person peice of shit
Originally Posted by Beta View Post
To Admins and above (Any ninja's/tsa whatever): What are your thoughts on pacman
Smods: Thoughts on dig dug
Gm's: What are your thoughts on Zelda
Msquad: Thoughts on super smash bros

Any other staff member: (item forgers etc) Thoughts on tetris

:P Had to be specific.. Pacman totally the best anyways.

Dig dug is okay.
I love Zelda. Greatest games ever made. Super smash bros is mad fun too. Especially playing with a bunch of mates. Tetris is simple but still entertaining but it gets old relatively quickly for me.
Answering them all because I can.
Originally Posted by Hucota7 View Post
Who did jusmi used to be?

Done with this community, you guys suck.
How did you get into making the amazing music you do now jusmi?
My signature was too long so I got this pretty rainbow here instead now. Isn't it nice? This is a nice rainbow.

Risk did this to me and I hate him forever, please join the official "Fuck Risk in the Ass With a Live Bat" social group to join me in hating Risk:
Click here to join my cult to fuck Risk in the ass with a live bat
Originally Posted by jusmi View Post

Oh, right. Weren't you named Doxsez prior to that, or something of the like? It's nice to see that some people I knew from years ago have risen so far.