What did I do?
First it was chess trying to start problems and now is avatar.

If I did something to offend you guys I am sorry.

If anybody here want's me to leave I will I won't stay if I am not wanted.
Last edited by garr; Aug 15, 2011 at 01:29 PM.
i don't like cuz you coming in my server and saying ''can i have 2k''
i don't need begging clan mates
It was a joke.

I was not begging I can make my own tc.

If you want me to leave over a joke like that tell me and I will go.
that's what he did to me

This is what i found in the ban list
Reason You are unwelcome in this community
Day he was banned Aug 15, 2011
Ban lift date Never
Banned by Jarmund

he and some other guy had the same thing
Last edited by ChessHire; Aug 15, 2011 at 07:30 PM.