nah i wont apply any time soon
cuz replaymaking isnt fun to me atm

maybe in a few weeks/month again

but congratz macky facky, no suicide for you sir
Pidda's spirit animal
Okay so

(i picked at random)

Mack, Static, Gram, Me, Greed, Theee

If you wanna be somewhere else just say
[UBO] [TMM] [FUTO] Leader [OSHI] [TTO] [Monk]
Made a thread in the private board for the 'Art in your blood' event.
And you forgot tedster, Matt ;)
Originally Posted by Mack View Post
Not quite sure if I'll join in. I have so much to do and I'm already exhausted af.

|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
The team for an event we are entering called Art in your Blood.
There can an unlimited amount of players though