Lol, these enigma guys... the clan name makes sense.
Btw, in the past the tag of this clan wasn't [?], hah, it'd be amazing.
Originally Posted by Volare View Post
I truly hope that you were not trying to say "gay ass pony", for then I would have to kill you.

gay ass pony


Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Lol, these enigma guys... the clan name makes sense.
Btw, in the past the tag of this clan wasn't [?], hah, it'd be amazing.

I think it was [e] which is way cooler than [?]
Originally Posted by Haunter View Post
I like rarity

She has a nice ass


True, true.

Originally Posted by Toxik View Post
gay ass pony


shut ur mouth ill 360wallbangnoscopeladderjump ur ass.

The clan tag was [?] back when I joined. Those were the good ol' days.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420
[?] was when iwas in the clan before I went afk. then it had to be changed cause we weren't allowed symbols I think. and electric stole [e] from us :c.

Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
Lol, these enigma guys... the clan name makes sense.
Btw, in the past the tag of this clan wasn't [?], hah, it'd be amazing.

Yeah, after the old Toriclan system was scrapped we were no longer allowed to use the question mark.
so bad... i don't see why simbols isn't allowed... In this case, a ? makes sense... it's different if you make a clan named Experts and the tag is [*] but if you make a clan named Rich the tag [£] would be allowed. Agree?