so someone broke into my house, unplugged my computer from the wall, unscrewed three lightbulbs, and put cheese in the fridge, i can't make this up
When Will Chaney take back his fucking 3,000 Christmas hats
Originally Posted by Infestation View Post
so someone broke into my house, unplugged my computer from the wall, unscrewed three lightbulbs, and put cheese in the fridge, i can't make this up

perhaps your mom ?
the strongest ability from her is ''unplug the pc'' .. instant K.O.
lol, My mom lives 5 hours away so she's far down the list of suspects. Also, there were no signs of breaking, so they had keys . . . curious, most curious.

Perhaps your blaming mommy was to cover your ass jaker?
When Will Chaney take back his fucking 3,000 Christmas hats
Just recently somebody broke into all the cars on my street (we leave them unlocked for some reason). They didn't take anything from anybody. All that they did was throw all of the pressure gauges out of each car.
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