View Poll Results: agree
9 Votes / 64.29%
2 Votes / 14.29%
i'd rather leave
3 Votes / 21.43%
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Originally Posted by Serge94 View Post
deridor your dude on page 16 is A-W-E-S-O-M-E-!
and joaopc your WORMS head is so great! plz could ya gimme it? i love it so much...
P.S. Piratez 4ever))

lol dude your so full of spunk. lol your posts mixed with that avy brighten up my day a little.
Im a squirrel and I'm so awesome that my friend bought me Toriprime.
hi Toribashers, Kid Kaos here, i havent played Toribash in a While and i'm kinda rusty, and i REALLY need to talk to that GrayveXP guy, it's Serious bussiness can anyone help out?
So, I hate looking for other clans so I'm staying here like I do all other clans until they die just like all of the other clans I've lead.

And right now I feel like going back in time.........

Unofficial[Eclipto](rutzor's first clan)I was in it a year after it died and had no idea that Rutz was in Japan.

[MostWanted] It died down to me and Gamer4200, together we made it flourish again until it died again and we were just liek.... fuek eet.

[TenThousandFists]Died, helped Shin-Ryu regain its power, died again, and now I just discovered that it's back with a different name.... damn furry clan cant believe I was in it but I stuck it out.

[Addicted]They screwed me over, I donated 50K then they kicked me for no given reason.

*something here* I dont even know, I think this was a period of me trying to find a good clan.

[DELTA] Merged with this ship and now I'm stuck here until it dies because I think I signed a contract to 50.01% of my soul to Murmayder. And if this clan by some odd reason dies I shall make a clan called [Ninjaz/s] or something cheezy like [Ninjahz]

And now I'm just straight up bored right now so I'm typing just cause I feel like it and might even think about taking up and entire page of pure spam that comes in to my mind like why the word why is spelled W.H.Y.....

I'll do this.

EDIT: here we go... just to be a complete dick.

Something along the lines of this?
Last edited by Yourface; Apr 27, 2010 at 04:01 AM.