Originally Posted by Slau View Post
I remember saying that and walking around with a stupid name for about 2 years.

what was it before slaughter slaugther?

Originally Posted by Haunter View Post
Dammit, where's toxik, I have this ass pony, I need an avvy change nuh

you go girl
Last edited by Toxik; Sep 14, 2013 at 02:08 AM.
Originally Posted by Haunter View Post
Dammit, where's toxik, I have this ass pony, I need an avvy change nuh

I truly hope that you were not trying to say "gay ass pony", for then I would have to kill you.

Lol at Slaugther. He had been talking about that name change forever.
<aracoon> we have been asking about your middle name all night
<hampa> 420