Originally Posted by DanWebb11 View Post
What the fuck is craigslist?
Anyway, its nearly Friday which means activity boost for me!

Craigslist is a site where you can hire people to do shit or sell stuff such as acounts on games etc...
Originally Posted by kasiusis View Post
Craigslist is a site where you can hire people to do shit or sell stuff such as acounts on games etc...

Seems useless.
It sorta is. There was a craigslist killer before where the killer would either put up jobs and people would go to him and get killed or He would go to them for their job.
I'm really glad to be in this community again, you guys are handsome and nice people.
I'll try to do my best with the activity, I'll try to be here as much I can. :3
█▀ ▀█ | Hungarian Dj | too OLDA | [l],[M]
No, i'm really glad to have you here, as i said kick you and the guys was a error, i don't care if you be inactive for a while, at least you'll post sometimes and i'll have you here. :3
Yooo, happy birthday bruuh.
I'll send you something, if i ever have...

Welcome dude, I'm fine, how about u?