Victor: a Thz já é uma aluna, só falta update na OP. Nós normalmente não iremos recusar nenhum aluno então é só esperar o update pelo Marrez mesmo

about tlclay, what Victor said is pretty accurate. Although you really may have a lot of experience with lectures and such for students (due to your charges as help squad and high staff position AND teacher in TBA), all I can see from these replays is that you have some experience and mastery of the fundamentals of fighting. But I wont let these facts abstain me to judge your app itself, if you are going for a teacher im pretty sure you'll need to put more effort in these replays to make them better looking (I'd guess they are pretty good for MAS aspects, but that's not what this organization is about), or just show us that you deserve a place in teachers list by participating and helping actively in our thread or discord channel.

I'm not quite sure if you are able to make both student and teacher membership app in a single post but if I were to judge you as a teacher, the answer would be no.
It's up to Marrez now
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Wow it’s been like 30 years since I posted here
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Request: Student Membership
Name: iFuro
Country: USA
Languages: English
Attached Files
iFuro- Spar with wulfrig.rpl (430.4 KB, 6 views)
iFuro- mma tuft.rpl (792.2 KB, 3 views)
iFuro- mma bunyen.rpl (795.0 KB, 3 views)
iFuro- spar with ghost14320.rpl (508.2 KB, 6 views)
iFuro: welcome aboard, Marrez will update OP later but you already are a member (as I said in discord)
I'll cnc your spars tomorrow, if I have a bonus free time AND willingness to cnc the rest I will.
also, sorry for the lack of quick response fren, im getting less available around here :^(

alpho: thanks for participating, adding you do the list :^)
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

signing up for the tourney thingy, gmt +1
fimmy toribsah discorD DECAPgo be on fire somewhere elseₜₕₑ fᵢᵣetck listener
ok first of all, super delayed but as promised

spar with wulfrig: what I can tell from this replay is that you have good idea of what you are doing and how to do what you want. You know how to move around and how to perform strikes, and also you can interact with the environment pretty well if I may say so.

The "issues" we can work on is that, although your attacks seem to have good tracking, you are moving your limbs to the right direction but most of your moves are less likely to hit and it doesnt even look like you intend to hit them. That's a big problem, at least for me, because it looks like you are just pretending to fight instead of actually fighting.
If you agree with me at that point, you can talk to me and we can try to sort out together what's wrong and how to improve it

but overall, I can see you have a lot of potential with decently good execution and possibly lack of experience, in contrast

spar with ghost14320: by watching this replay you just completely proved me wrong xDD
your attacks here track way better and your hits and way more impactful than previously
seems like you adopted a more MAS-like posture while fighting and it actually looked pretty cool, in terms of combat

if you wanna go more steps forward, we can start talking about beauty of movements (the so called flow) and how to pull out some crazier and more impressive moves, hopefully.
Still can call me or the other teachers if anything is needed or if you want short comments on your replays, teachers are here to give you directions

glad to have you participating kuro :^)))
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!