Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
If you can wait until im a black belt then sure. Ill buy it. :l

Well, I guess waiting for another 1050 games isn't such a big deal ;p
Meh, I'll wait.
No fighting... no fighting... I'm just gonna take a break form all the clan stuffz... cuz see what happens if I am involved... What happens after the break period... I dunno..
you live a peacful life in a random clan not involved in anything thats what you do or you quit or live rouge either one is a great option
Originally Posted by Trixiac View Post
you live a peacful life in a random clan not involved in anything thats what you do or youq uit or live rouge either one is a great option

I realize you haven't even seen my post from two pages back.
Refrain from posting such things in here.
Also, [nao] and [gravity] aren't allies which means you cannot post in here.
I'll also repeat that your posts do not affect you, they have a negative impact on the clan, so stop posting here unless you have a valid reason to do so.
These posts could've been written in a private message perhaps?
Stop posting here or action will be taken.
Hmm.. peaceful life in a random clan that is pretty tempting I must say... But errm... I still don't know and what happens, happens... Deal with it...
What kind of replay do we need for the video? (please don't say 'awsum replays' lel)

And oh I didn't notice that there was a drama going on here ('you can have him back over my dead body!!', 'you live a peaceful life!' etc.).

Unless that was just an unimportant and irrelevant private problem that has nothing to do with the clan and nobody has to know, somebody should tell me what just happened here.
Step out of your skin, put it in a jar. I thought they were my friends, but they were cannonballs.
Originally Posted by J0Y View Post
What kind of replay do we need for the video? (please don't say 'awsum replays' lel)

And oh I didn't notice that there was a drama going on here ('you can have him back over my dead body!!', 'you live a peaceful life!' etc.).

Unless that was just an unimportant and irrelevant private problem that has nothing to do with the clan and nobody has to know, somebody should tell me what just happened here.

MrUndies is cheating on Trix with MsPanties. :l I think thats it.

Also i dont think it matters what kind of replay you have.
Heya peeps it's Iso Just here to say im banned for infraction point hoarding ;__;

I don't know why i put that there. .__.
Originally Posted by J0Y View Post
What kind of replay do we need for the video? (please don't say 'awsum replays' lel)

And oh I didn't notice that there was a drama going on here ('you can have him back over my dead body!!', 'you live a peaceful life!' etc.).

Unless that was just an unimportant and irrelevant private problem that has nothing to do with the clan and nobody has to know, somebody should tell me what just happened here.

Meh, you can add either a sp replay or a mp replay, your choice,
though I think sp would be better.

Anywayz, Trix seems to be on an outraeg D:, which is quite weird assuming this is merely a game.
Anywayz, good job Iso!
Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
Eh, I hope you'll post every now and then on our dsc.
Accepted, we're gonna make some events soon, ideas would be appreciated.

You can count on activity out of me as I am an active person. Add me and my clan to the list :3

Also, maybe you could participate in the Flame Forge Event