Spry: Both runs were horrid in the replay. You should practice your opening run. It is essential to a strong opening attack/defense. Common sense should have told you that thrusting your arms behind you as you approached an opponent is an absurdly inefficient defense or attack, but you witnessed firsthand how vulnerable it leaves you.

Last: Why would you rotate your chest away from your leading leg? Have you ever tried doing that as you run in real life? Dare you to go outside, break into a sprint, then thrust your chest away from the leg being raised. It make things a bit awkward. Then you ghosted. Try to look out for any limb passing through another, then avoid it at all costs. If you avoid it, you'll end up discovering newer movements that flow more naturally out of necessity. Then there was the nuthug setup. I guess it's okay, I don't know how others view it, but I tend to avoid it in sparring. Sure it gets you a lot of air and speed, but it's the lazy way of doing it. Don't get accustomed to doing that, or else you'll end up relying on it too heavily and lose opportunities for progression.

The first contact was awful. Your transition into the attack was stiff and unrealistic, not to mention dull. Your opponent's was nonexistent. He pretty much just raised a hand toward your head and hoped for the best. I'm not sure where -a quick Google search may shed some light- but there is a tutorial on how to punch. You both should give it a thorough read.

There was no follow through after your punch, thus you ended up completely lateral to the ground with very little, if any, rotation. You tried creating some of your own it'd seem by splitting your legs, but 1. It could have been avoided altogether with another attack or better performance of the attack you chose. 2. At 722, your left leg ends up completely over your back.. and then just stays there. I know some pretty flexible people, few can do that. Fewer can hold it. Even when they do, it looks good. That didn't. I'd advise against leaving your hips too far extended with your knee contracted. It's fine in aikido, judo, wushu, but not in a spar.

I'm really disappointed that not one more step was taken after your first approach.. Definitely practice your running. Practice improvising. Place yourself in unfamiliar situations, because those are the situations that come up most in a spar. Learn to balance yourself more efficiently so that you can stay on your feet more efficiently.

Some of your transitions are decent, but they still need work. That comes with experience though, so I won't fault you there.

You're struggling with the fundamentals of sparring, and that's okay. We all have. What you should do, as I've suggested before to others, is practice in the classic 300 frame running matches. Just change the turn frames to 10 and you've got yourself a mini spar. This will help you to quickly develop your opener, your running skills, your attacks, your defenses (should you choose to defend yourself), your recoveries, and your transitions in a time efficient manner.

The spar is decent I guess, but it's really just looking more like a messy, no-ring ninjutsu match with extended frames than an actual spar.

/offtopic I'm not just singling you out, Lasttime, but here you're the most recent offender, so you'll be my example.
Your CnC doesn't have to be this lengthy, but it should include more indepth material than "Nice replay, could have been longer. X out of X." Offer critique. Highlight points that you liked and what you liked about them. Identify flaws then make suggestions for improvement.

Put as much effort into CnC as you do your replays. If you're not willing to help others improve, then you don't deserve to have others help you improve.

Sorry if I'm stepping out of line with this, because I realize I don't have any say in the happenings of this org, but I'm putting it out there. The CnC offered in this thread when players submit their replays is pathetic.

Festive Beating
First spar with Festus since June of last year. I thought the gap would hinder us, but I must say, I feel our chemistry is even stronger than before. I don't think either of us started off taking it fully seriously, but as it progressed we got more and more into it. Please, I'd like some solid CnC on this one. I'm looking to improve and I need help from you guys to make that happen.

TamaKuu Moderated Message:
Why can't all CnC be like this? Or not exactly like this, but just have some effort.
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Law: Festive Beatings.rpl (760.8 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by Marrez; Aug 18, 2012 at 08:03 PM.
this spar was boring as shit especially you Lawrence...
it lacked Fights and was pretty slow...
it was only good for jumpings

.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
Originally Posted by DarkDranz View Post
this spar was boring as shit especially you Lawrence...
it lacked Fights and was pretty slow...
it was only good for jumpings


Definitely expected better CnC from you, Dark, seeing as you're a teacher.
How would you have spiced it up? What were you looking for that wasn't there? Were there specific points that you noticed needed fixing? What were they? What would you have fixed? What did you like about it that you'd like to see more often?

These questions should be answered when you provide CnC.
Here's a pretty good staffspar me and Swex did.
The staff kept getting in my way all the time, and that really messed with my flow.
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Originally Posted by Lawrence1 View Post
Definitely expected better CnC from you, Dark, seeing as you're a teacher.
How would you have spiced it up? What were you looking for that wasn't there? Were there specific points that you noticed needed fixing? What were they? What would you have fixed? What did you like about it that you'd like to see more often?

These questions should be answered when you provide CnC.

if i wanted to give that "proper" CnC it could take fo rlike 4 pages of Office word 2010 but im too lazy...
.: Kratos <3 ][ Tricerafi ( Evil Twin) <3 ][ Raiken & Kaito <3 ][ Manta <3 ][ NvSfocus ][ Wylde][ Pure ][ Trocher3 ][ Shrook :.
~I got Death and a Vampire as Waifus ~
Tamakuu told me to post this.
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Dojo spar vs Large 2.rpl (876.5 KB, 15 views)
Plank spar vs large 2.rpl (1.34 MB, 18 views)
A true replay maker only knows blood,sweat,tears and glory...ALSO failure, ALOT of failure.
also i sing harshvocals n stuff
Beautiful spars swex.

Dojo spar: Well, that was cool. The opening sweep kick looked cool, and the trip-throw was awesome, especially the way Large reacted to it with his landing, showing "Damn, that hurt... Gotta get back up". The one thing that didn't look so good, but worked out in the end was the first rope grab-to-kick. The second one looked fine though. All time favorite part was the final kick.

Plank spar: Now this was outstanding. You two made the fight look like two people fighting with passion and determination. You literally depicted a life or death situation in this spar. Favorite part was when you started dodging. It had me stuck for a second like "What the hell, how is he-!". It's a bummer the last punch got you, but the spar looked beautiful.

Dojo spar: 9.8/10.
Plank spar: 10/10

Here's some sex with nearly. I mean... a spar. This may be inappropriate for younger viewers. I know I did horrible in this one, so CnC me and Nearly.

Then there's this spar here. Love this one as much as the sex...
Attached Files
!Tamakuu- S- Alienoid.rpl (819.8 KB, 9 views)
!Tamakuu- S- Shack.rpl (1.17 MB, 8 views)
Last edited by Marrez; Aug 19, 2012 at 03:00 AM.
the goblin