Sure, I just started off with this whilst I got used to her.

Then I edited it for my own play style later on.

Le Blanc is about Ganking, she's good for team ganking but she's better for chasing and finishing. And when you are laning, you wait till the opponant steps just a lil to far so you can teleport onto (or just behind) them and use you're combo, Q,R,W,E. the combo changes depending on where you are and what you're aiming to do :P
The E is a hard to use skill shot so if you are going to shoot it do it whilst they are running or when you are on the same spot as them, if they are running, aim about 2 annies infront of them and it'll connect, it still works if they hit the chain though so its not too hard once you get used to it
Just to say LoL is based from dota I played dota since I was very small thats why I got these stupid glasses if your interested in 1v1 battle in Dota your on.
Dota Sf Pro :P
Aikidou Not Aikido I Know Its A Martial Art So Stop Wondering.
I wanted to play yesterday but when I saw that I had to wait 20 mins in the queue I closed the game.=))
message originally posted by GOD
Beacus everybody was playing this game, I decided to give it a shot. I'm currently playing with Ashe, beacus she is very easy to play with it.
oh, that's cool. what's your ingame name / server?

yeah Ashe is kinda easy, but she can become a real beast in late game if you play her right
xD Le Blanc forever, just saying xP

If someone chooses Le Blanc I'm Veigar, unless the team doesn't have a Tank then I'm Alistar or Mundo, if that isn't the case I'm Shaco or Warwick xP
If I want plain annoyingness I'll play Teemo xD
I heard that Galio isnt that good but I still like its newest skin(Gatekeeper galio).
message originally posted by GOD