
Also, those smallish graphics tablets are pretty cool. I had one, but I lost it, then found it, and lost the pen, then replaced the pen, then lost the pen, then lost the tablet, then found the pen...
It was my girlfriend's birthday today, so she's like 15 nao, and I'm like 14 nao.
But I is turning le 15 in a week, yes?! So is good.
We went to the movies and had stuffs to eat.
Finally got my Sony a55<3
You should pay 19 dollars more and get a guitar! Oh wait the 4th of July sale ended. Buy some headphones!
Proud member of Pandora

I just woke up. Eated asian food. Drank a glass of milk. Playing Kingdom Rush, very well made flash game. Hmmm...
My mom's already buying me beats by dr dre, studio headphones.
She's also geting me an iphone.
So I dun have to worry about that x_x

...Oh and school tomorrow..
Last edited by fluffykat; Aug 21, 2011 at 06:59 PM.
I didn't start.

I have school all day and night, every day and every night.


I have the "Shoes. Shoes. Ohmygawd, shoes" song from youtube stuck in my head.
Last edited by Acavado; Aug 22, 2011 at 03:12 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
School starts tomorrow.
Woke up at 7 AM, packed the last few things I needed, just moved in at 9 AM.
Dayumn bitch, this room be smaaaall, where's my comfy pc chair!? REPLACED BY A CHAIR MADE BY SOME SICK FUCK TO TORTURE MY BACK, WOOD DAMNIT, WOOD!

Gonna eat free lunch and drink free coffee later.
Worth it.

Last edited by crazylars; Aug 22, 2011 at 09:41 AM.