i like the idea of the scratches but i wouldnt add them into this gray ironman... it would look worse... i think.... in the "real version" the scratches would look better and i think i would make the scratches terribly... :/
im posting the render i used...
"iron men is always cool" i agree
i want to do a sig of venom.... a car.... and ace those are my future projects
did i rip the sig from manifest? what? sorry i dont udnerstand i did it myself in like 10 mins... less... this thursday
im going to check out soon your friends web page... but do i have to create an account?
edit: should i post any of my sigs on the mega sig gallery thread in the art section?
if so... which one should i post?
Last edited by Aitor21; Feb 25, 2011 at 10:05 PM.
ahm... well i found this render in google.... and i cant check out the link without login in...
i didnt steal any idea.. i created it with my own imagination
look here is the render i used....
(for the bg i used vemos torso...)
ive check out the tutorial from your friends web page.. how can u say i ripped his idea! its totally different...
btw its a nice tutorial

first time i use c4d.. and fractals
Last edited by Aitor21; Feb 26, 2011 at 02:14 PM.