Who recommended you, if anyone.
no one but pab10 likes me alot and i gave gumfighter 20 USD for a texture set

black. qi 1487 but qi counters are messed up this guy was stuck at 799 till 3rd dan

Why (do) you want to join.
because this clan has powerful people in it and is as active as me on forums

What your best mod is.
wushu takeyon

Anything else you feel like you might need to add.
i have toriprime and full textures
Post some replays please. Just so we can see if you have some ingame skill.
Read the Market Rules
In #Support: [19:53] <@firebolty> StileCheat: Did you try this?: would you lick onima's pussy clean for 10,000 dollars
Originally Posted by jessebean View Post
Who recommended you, if anyone.
no one but pab10 likes me alot and i gave gumfighter 20 USD for a texture set

black. qi 1487 but qi counters are messed up this guy was stuck at 799 till 3rd dan

Why (do) you want to join.
because this clan has powerful people in it and is as active as me on forums

What your best mod is.
wushu takeyon

Anything else you feel like you might need to add.
i have toriprime and full textures

Denied. It took you two tries to even realize we had an application template.
<apple> Fine, I love you in the gayest of ways.
Originally Posted by Skeleton7 View Post
I want join Hive pls kthxbai i am 3rd dan

Originally Posted by Toriboomer View Post


Originally Posted by Toriboomer View Post
Denied. It took you two tries to even realize we had an application template.

So please don't try again, at least until we forget you...
I am neither a sheep, nor am I a lion
Edit (10 years later): Damn, I was an edgy sellout...
Originally Posted by watashime View Post


So please don't try again, at least until we forget you...

Didjya forget me?! Everyone does...