Use the sword to scratch out the part of the sign that says "death" and scratch in "cookies" instead.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Go to the top of stairs. Without any caution, run and jump onto your shield. Descending down the stairs, steer into the hole, trying to slide right down into it. That, take off the sign that says Death for Penatly, and see if there is anything behind it or beside it.
Look around the room up the stairs, haphazardly flailing the sword about as you do. There's no telling what could be up there!
Originally Posted by kloudtana View Post
Look around the room up the stairs, haphazardly flailing the sword about as you do. There's no telling what could be up there!

It is my mission to never flail with my eyes open.
^garblejfidlssja beflijfdsl baeufkh dsjlinuefjdsl
Now, about that inventory of yours. Make yourself into macho man by doing the following. Get the key, and ram it into the bed leg. This is your offhand weapon. Get the blanket, and stuff it under your headband, which gives you this mystical turban/cape thing that those terrorists in deserts where. Rap the bottom part of hte blanket around your torso, where it keeps your Sheild in place behind you back (to prevent possible backstabbers). Then clean off all your weapons with the poisoned lint, when you are done, stuff it on your spear. Now with the spear in your left, and sword in your right, U ARE SUPAMAN. stick your club/bed leg/key into your belt, and jump through the painting into the hole of death. Ur armor and weapons make you confedent nothing bad will happen to you.

i suggest you do that now. Throw some of your excesorry item at him. YOU WILL WIN.
- its been a while
That gun thingy looks like a fly swatter <.< I say go full circle by running up to the dude and kicking him in the nuts.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games