Endurance Onslaught 6.0
this thread has become something that idk anymore
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Once upon a time there was a huge pile of shit cakes on my head. I tried to put them on my wife. But she threatened me with a quadriplegic prostitute from singapore. Suddenly, she turned into a semen-spiting Centipede which would donate to the homeless who only write four words and another hobo who have taken over 15,000 peoples virginity. When I went to take my turtle for a walk I tripped over a special stone which looked like a smaller turtle but with hepatitis. Moments later, I had an orgasm. Because of this I killed my wife and got a lifetime supply of delicious Strawberry flavored condoms, for each girl that I had a one night stand with. But age caught up with me. So i made a new friend out of bacon strips but I eat them because I didn't have will power to resist the urge of hitting Dzajko56 with a tuna due to a recent sickness.

Meanwhile in Africa I saw Erth going off-topic and wondered how big his penis was, and what he's doing in the pussy of his mom. THE END of the sentence was coming, until Dropkick said, "let there be cakes everywhere". Cakes started falling, but a magical pony with an eat disorder, caught them stabbing each other with spaghetti flavored dildos, so he decided to blow up Africa with his new tricycle that have popsicle generators strapped to it.THE END. Or so we thought... But ponzo had to CONTINUE, because he was so awesome at not being too awesome, so Ponzo sat down and pabblo kicked his nuts repeatedly. Ponzo then violently smited pabblo before raping erth's anus (again) , He stopped doing that to them, because it's unhealthy for his penis, which fell off.

One fine day Tylander went to take a shit on pusga who was having an affair with an elderly woman, or so he thought, it was really a giraffe with Parkinson's Disease.
So he ate shit and asked Pabblopic why he eat chocolate that looks like penises,so he replied "It's delicious and i like big black penises in my sandwich for sunday dinner. Earlier that day there was tons of hail the size of italian virgins who likes to eat Tricycles and cars and bananas and bicycles and Jay Leno.

In an alternate universe, I used to eat pineapple flavoreddogs until one day, when I was about to chop a pineapple and it shot a pile of pink Lemons that murdered Tylander flavoured condoms. Later that day my penis fell off in A Hobo's Mouth, and it taste really penis penis penis penis penis Penis Penis Penis Penis penisly weird because people post4wordsina5wordthread D:Or because people post abunchadifferentwordswithoutspacessoitlookslike1wo rdamidointhisrite? Wrong.
Meanwhile, in cupcake land Pusga was Raping a Cane, which was actually delicious he sprinkled it with some condoms which turned into a Fairy Penis powder made from crushed erth ,Lololerz blood on a sword, smells like your hands after you just wanked so hard.

After a long while of Dick jokes that failed hard, Abraham Lincoln decided not to free the slaves but to Give them all Herpes/AIDS. The leader of the slaves Became Midgets in An overcoat. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln refused to have sex with George Cloony in his night robe covered In Spam bots and Trolls, Tied up with public hairs, And Devoured by a Robot.

In the middle of the night, I fell off my bed and punched Dzajko56 in Balls that fired Guns which made him commit suicuide That in Turn fired knives into an empire of banana craving dogs. They were found in pabblo´s penis which is very hairy, pale, and smelly. The next morning pabblo got a penis in his ass just like any other day, he got pregnant with a bear in his stomach. And got raped by a squirrel. Coincidentally, the same has happened to all the fags here Excluding InfernoXZ, who Raped TylandeR in his dreams continuously. After that, his penis got cut from a freaky monkey calledNagalagawoogie, he seeks revenge. He was searching for Nagalagawoogie until he commited suicide for no Reason, It was a Dream that turned out as reality, and then he woke up covered in dirt and blood, he then realised he was in the middle of the war between spartan and patapon And Robo-Jesus and GodZilla, and then he woke up in The Magical Island of Corpses, not knowing that he was actually batman in disguise, Which was good because he Just ate Erth's erected cock which was made of ice cream. The flavors of Erth's cock was strawberry and vanilla, wich is a typo, And gay. And then I saw the monstrous sticky WART that is huge, it then got cut off by a baby werewolf. Suddenly... *A WILD FETT175 APPEARS* but died from Vodka. Lately this org seems very inactive. But this thread seems to long.

In 2024 we will stop having typos, therefore we 411 U53 1337 5P34K Y0. Erth said we cannot say that he enjoys Tim's cock Which was ripped off by Lololerz who revive this thread.
So pabblo followed Lololerz into Pony land and noticed that Lololerz was having a bath With two Homosexual Hobos that Erth said no sexual stuff But then he started eating Pop-eye's spinach, which made Pop-eye shit stains all over the statue of pusga's anus, which is clearly disturbing. Meanwhile in Fairy World, Shocktrooper found some nice, nice tacos. Upon eating another penis, he shat on Erth's head, and then he died.

Meanwhile, in India, Rfifan murdered 154 tall midgets because midgets, thats why. He decided to rape a 894 year old. Man that had sexwith bad grammar, he later applied for English and got AiDS because of the amount of snapkicks in tk. After that, he can't understand why Erth would take aids to SAVE the lifes of 154 tall midgets already killed by Rfifan.One day, Shigechio started flaming [Hunters], being banned,so PTDx kicked his ass. PTDx was a transvestite so he died. The next day, Lololerz swam in Erth's anus juice which slowly and painfully enveloped him. Cured it him from cancer?

Fish went mad and killed himself so hard, that he had a spam of orgasms and had sex with himself, not caring about the fact that his grandfather wasn't virgin. After that event, Fish was labeled as a Hungarian fisherman. That's why he decided to execute his evil plan, to fry all of the salmon penis he could find. Lemme lick on that slimy yummy salmon penis, he said "son you are a bastard." And That is the end. Except it's not the end. It is the very end.NOW MORE END THAN EVER, but what is ending, hmmm,a really mysterious toribash player? Maybe it is just imagination? But imagination wasn't imagined yet

A really mysterious toribash member, what does that mean

DropKick: This has become the cycle of life