We have 2nd dan minimum, so unfortunately you cannot join yet, but you can come to the 32nd server and give our members the first impression about you... note that wushu skills are most important here so that kind skill and mind is also required, regardless of of other... but still come to the serv, maybe when you do have big potential or somethin x) then perhaps Sahee will make an exception, until so get 2nd dan as fast as possible ;p...peace, yet i can already sense a potential within you Young master Luke ;p lets see what happens
Last edited by k6vamees; Jun 23, 2008 at 05:28 PM.
But why's the rum gone? :v
Hey i wanna join RA cus i wanna enter a really clan my other ones sucked im 2 dan and Great a wushu and kickbox and betabox. Im kinda good at dualpistols too. If u wanna meet me im alot at serv hung serv training wushu

I'm broad, I'm broad, I'm broader than broadway
MEmber OF Hurricane
First of all, YOU will find us if you really want to join, not the other way around...We are mostly around in the 32nd server(if u cant find us there, then search for some of our peeps)... And i think you already know that wushu is most important here, so that's what you are going to "impress" us with...Secondly, you will have to post some replays which will describe your wushu-proficiency, so just post a replay for first...And not only skills are important (in wushu,etc)...If you start acting like a kid or start behaving in the wrong way then you will be "processed" ;p... but anyway if ur cool and both good enough, then u have the chance of getting in, letting that to "The Judge" (Sahee) to decide... And about the other clans...If you think the clan You're in, sucks... then it doesnt mean you have to switch it immidiately, it should be the last thing to do...You should help the clan get back together, not bail out...but ive spoken enough, be at the server...perhaps sahee will be there, as soon as he reads your request...
Last edited by k6vamees; Jun 25, 2008 at 11:51 AM.
But why's the rum gone? :v
ok... its been a loong time... A LOOOONG time, since I first said I was interested in [RelaxAll] the feeling remains the same, dont get me wrong. But I was always conflicted, beacuse although I do fight Relaxed, I fight more in Sambo.

That was three weeks ago, now I look for freakin wushu, im addicted to it. I got 2 main starters I feel confident about, and a couple "not so Aviator originals" I wanna challenge whoever I have to how ever many times I have to, To get in this clan!

I've done enough training, I've gotten more then familar with the mod, and I like to think im freindly with SuperJoJo, Ax7, Kickass, and nikeolas, not to mention you yourself Sahee (assuming your the only one "important" reading this, j/k)

I cant wait any more!! I talked to an old freind I had in UNCE about it, and he said I should at least try, he also said "RA? who is that?" but who cares,

im gonna be on the R.A. server as much as I can, and unless you wanna set up a date to test me, im expecting every time I see you, a chance to ge tthat much closer into R.A.!!!!!
2nd Dan Black Belt
UNCE Aikido/Sabmbo Player
Josh Homme: "Ck-Ck-Ck-ck-Ck-Cocaine!"
This mate is true heart. I'm with him and would gladly "test" him, even though I remember playing him not that long ago. I... want you in RA. Will see if I wasn't mistaken if your gameplay and character suits other players in this clan, and if I wasn't... man you'll have RA representing your Aviator self.
Congrats. You got much warmer welcome than most or all people posting in this thread ;P~
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"
no you can't, I told you that already... You're terribly childish, run away, seems you didn't even read first post, I played with you, and... please don't try again for some time. Thanks.
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"