Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Speak about DK's when u have expirenced them ;)

Does playing on numerous 85 DK's and having close friends that use them count..? This is about my 3rd world of warcraft account if you read back, remember.
Well thats plain weird. You have had many "85 DKs" and Accounts and Cata hasn't even been out for a long time. Not long enough for that anyway
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Well thats plain weird. You have had many "85 DKs" and Accounts and Cata hasn't even been out for a long time. Not long enough for that anyway

With RAF it takes an average of 7 days to get straight up to 85. I also never said the 85 DK's were mine.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
lol illegal account trading? ... You should "play" games not buy "Maxed" characters

You're stupid.

Put the pieces together, I said I have close friends that have 85 DK's and it's not hard to try theirs out to see if I like them. I'd stop making assumptions because so far you've made quite an idiot out of yourself in my view..

*Sorry if I was being rude.
Last edited by Lume; Aug 16, 2011 at 07:40 PM.
Thats "your view" though isn't it.
Besides. I'll stop posting here I'd rather not talk to someone who said he had 3 accounts :P
Give a Clan mate advice and maybe he'll take it
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Thats "your view" though isn't it.
Besides. I'll stop posting here I'd rather not talk to someone who said he had 3 accounts :P
Give a Clan mate advice and maybe he'll take it

... my view on what, the fact that you made an assumption and think that I buy my accounts off of people so I called you stupid? I'm not that brain dead to risk having my money stolen over buying accounts for a p2p game.

and the 3 accounts I've had have been over the past 4 years, sorry if it's bad that I bought the game 3 times and managed to not care and forget the passwords to the other two in that time.
Last edited by Lume; Aug 16, 2011 at 07:44 PM.
my view is that both of you should attempt to legitimately contribute to this thread instead of arguing, even though souldevilj clearly has no fucking clue what he's talking about

Anyway, my Priest has been 85 for a bit and I'm just finally starting Firelands content (leel and I are sort of seeing who can full complete first (I WILL WIN)) and I just respecced Holy for heals (been disc for a long while). The raid heals are definitely superior, but I still think Disc is way better for tank heals (for obvious reasons), so it's sort of a toss-up.

In other news, my paladin is 73 and oh my god pallies are the best class omgomgom
back from the dead
I'd have a account at 75 if all these people would stop making me switch realms... i started in galakgrund (whatever it is) had two lvl 25's there. THEN switched to another one with silco and have a 20 and 43 there. But NOW raya and faint (or was it course) is making me switch to dawnbringer to have sex with them... I CANT TAKE IT.

@oyster what realm you play in?

also: why are you guys never in the IRC ;_;
Last edited by DropKick; Aug 17, 2011 at 05:56 AM.
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

I love many people on this forum such as ...
I respect...
Originally Posted by oyster View Post
my view is that both of you should attempt to legitimately contribute to this thread instead of arguing, even though souldevilj clearly has no fucking clue what he's talking about

Anyway, my Priest has been 85 for a bit and I'm just finally starting Firelands content (leel and I are sort of seeing who can full complete first (I WILL WIN)) and I just respecced Holy for heals (been disc for a long while). The raid heals are definitely superior, but I still think Disc is way better for tank heals (for obvious reasons), so it's sort of a toss-up.

In other news, my paladin is 73 and oh my god pallies are the best class omgomgom

Paladins are awesome, except for the fact that mine is a blood elf female..