You can get 3 packs and a card back by logging in on a Galaxy S6.
If amazon doesn't work for you, just follow this guide:
And then just download the game via Google Play.
I got Prophet Velen and 2 Epics from the packs, drop rate seems good.
Originally Posted by ynvaser View Post
You can get 3 packs and a card back by logging in on a Galaxy S6.
If amazon doesn't work for you, just follow this guide:
And then just download the game via Google Play.
I got Prophet Velen and 2 Epics from the packs, drop rate seems good.

This makes me despise Blizzard so fucking much. They preach of fun and equality among all users, yet they rig drop rates for packs aquired in certain ways. The regular packs bought with gold will get you roughly 1 legendary in 30 packs (keep in mind that these are just statistics, it could be more frequent in some cases) whereas you'll be swimming in legendaries if you buy the packs with real money. This Samsung promotion is evidence that the drop rates of packs can be manipulated since the number of people getting legendaries from those packs is ridiculously high. Free to play my ass. And the fact that you can't choose what packs you get from arena makes it a hundred times worse.
the arena packs thing is true but it's a fucking card game, what do you expect? hearthstone is actually dirt cheap compared to something like magic.
Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
the arena packs thing is true but it's a fucking card game, what do you expect? hearthstone is actually dirt cheap compared to something like magic.

Can confirm. Only spent $26 on this game for Blackrock, have spent thousands on Magic, and I don't even have good decks by any standards.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I just looked up competitive Magic the Gathering decks, and of the top 8, 3 of them cost $500.

I have spent a good bit less than that, and I have essentially every card in the game. So I don't have one deck, I have all of them possible that are used, have yet to be used, out dated, or in meta. Nothing but time, skill, and a little luck seperates my ability to play Tempo Mage or Freeze Mage, Face Hunter or Midrange Hunter, Control Warrior or Patron, Handlock or Demon Lock or Zoo, Oil Rogue, Ramp or Combo Druid, the list goes on and on.

This game rocks.
Need help?
Creati0n says: still my favorite. <3
I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
Just Use Thunder!
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
I just looked up competitive Magic the Gathering decks, and of the top 8, 3 of them cost $500.

And that's the standard block decks, extended decks can cost upwards of $500 for just 4 of the 60 cards in the deck, and some of the lands sell for upwards of $100 a pop. And EDH decks can cost several thousand depending on your opulence. And some packs sell for hundreds now because of the minuscule chance to draw a card that can be worth several thousand, alongside slightly better chances to draw afotementioned lands worth hundreds.

There's even people who play Magic like the stock market and try to stock up on cards they believe are sleeper op to rake in the dough when their prices rise. Some cards can go from a couple bucks to almost a hundred overnight based solely on deck tech that people pull out in tournies. One card went from $5 to almost $100 in a week because of an infinite life gain combo that was discovered for standard using it.

So ya... pay2win my butt. Hearthstone is fucking tame as shit when it comes to payments. You don't need 4 of a card to make a playset, and you don't need multiple playsets to run the same card in different decks. And you don't even need to pay for packs to get cards, you can literally get a free one each week from tavern brawl. I'd fucking kill for that much free shit in Magic.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Yeah, I watched it as well. I feel mage is going to be incredibly powerful with all of the hero power buffs.

And hunter is turning into the one turn combo turns like back when it was buzzard/UTH combo.