I'd like to join. If I can't, then I could be an ally, I guess. Also, I've fought CrazyMLC. And I beat him a few times as well. So really, this is just a question, and I'm waiting for an answer.

Plus, breakfast pwns any other meal of the day.
breakfast pwns any other meal of the day
insta-win phrase

doesnt have many posts but non of them seem nooby, and he claims to have played since 2.3, which is when i did =D
Last edited by MrPoptart; Dec 4, 2007 at 04:46 AM.
allow me to return the favor because your a nice guy =D edit: there i gave you a bunch lol

btw MBK wasnt on today as far as i know, so i'll try to make sure he sees this when he gets on.
I would like to join CBK, I am a blue belt and have played for a while (not online, nor on the forums) and love breakfast, and you can have soup for breakfast.
I have quit. Goodbye all.
I approve of Soop so far, and Suiki has composure, which is a good thing :P

I suggest we all look at the topic I'm about to make. Yeah.