Originally Posted by TheNine99 View Post
Then, there is Lux. Her ult already killed me thousand times, and sometimes by lucky (she just randomly shot from the bot and killed me on top, because of the "how farthest it goes, most damage it does" from


I don't think Lux's ultimate can go that far.
I'm back and stuff, it's probably temporary.
Originally Posted by TheNine99 View Post
Well, this week im feeling its going to be a hard week.

Then, there is Lux. Her ult already killed me thousand times, and sometimes by lucky (she just randomly shot from the bot and killed me on top, because of the "how farthest it goes, most damage it does" from her ult)

Ashe's ult maybe? But that's just the stun length, not the damage that increases over distance.
I don't know if I really just got outlaned, but I'm starting to think that AP Soraka is a great counter to Leblanc. Soraka can just heal up after Leblanc's nuke which is every 15 or so seconds; and every time i dive in with Distortion, I get silenced and am basically just a slab of meat taking shots.

Though, now that I thought about getting outlaned by that Soraka more, I could have probably just let her silence me first, then dive in since her silence has a huge cool down. She would run out of mana eventually since she's using her e offensively and not able to heal, or just completely backfire and I'd have to recall. Dunno.
Last edited by Numbers; Aug 18, 2011 at 09:58 AM.
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Originally Posted by tarektarek View Post

I don't think Lux's ultimate can go that far.

Originally Posted by Lume View Post
That's not how lux's ult even works, lol, it can't even go to middle to bot, barely even half the way.

Well, i wasnt pretty sure about how it works... my firned got a lux and told me that "farthest it goes hardest it hits"... and anyway, im not that sure of the distance... but its a lot... i've been looking since i saw u guys posts...
Proud member of [Essence]
There's nothing about lux's ult that will make it do more damage except for the obvious AP scaling. As said before, the range is probably a half of the route from bottom tower to mid tower, maybe a bit more.
I'm slowly but surely dragging myself out of ELO hell with Blitzcrank. With a 77% win chance statistically, the odds are good for me to get out if I keep at it.

Still low though ._. so I have to deal with retard builds and bad players. An Ashe that solo mid and was level 3 when dual lane bot was level 7 nearly ruined one of my games (I managed to get Akali fed though :3).
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