Originally Posted by Pidgenere View Post
Country Fried Steak feels a bit iffy. Not a big fan of beef on the plus side.

Have you ever watched the movie Ratatouille? It has an excellent example of how I eat.

I don't know what are those foods, but I can tell you either try Spanish omelete or you haven't tried omelete at all.

Originally Posted by Nerobe View Post
Eh i don`t know why Kyure was kicked, mind filling me in?

That's something you can ask in Irc if you don't mind since I don't want to bring it up here
Originally Posted by SrCheetah View Post
I don't know what are those foods, but I can tell you either try Spanish omelete or you haven't tried omelete at all.

A Spanish omelette? Was ist das? What makes it different from a typical omelette?
Originally Posted by pouffywall View Post
A Spanish omelette? Was ist das? What makes it different from a typical omelette?

Well, normal omelete is just egg, also called French omelete.
Spanish omelete has potatoes and onion, and it's much better. (Gotta say it takes way longer to make tho)
Hello everyone i just wanted to say that i am leaving vibe.
My reason for that is concon creating a new anime clan.
Anime is a big intrest of mine so playing and chatting other players sharing my intrests is somthing i really want. This is a really good clan with nice players in it, i`ll miss you all.
Originally Posted by Nerobe View Post
Hello everyone i just wanted to say that i am leaving vibe.
My reason for that is concon creating a new anime clan.
Anime is a big intrest of mine so playing and chatting other players sharing my intrests is somthing i really want. This is a really good clan with nice players in it, i`ll miss you all.

No problem Nerobe, have fun at your new clan you're always welcome to come back here if you want to
Originally Posted by Nerobe View Post
Eh i don`t know why Kyure was kicked, mind filling me in?

People were not super happy with the fact that I wanted to kick Pidge out. I had very correct reasons, and the whole council agreed with me on it. Pidge left Vibe, then returned a week leader, expecting to become vibe council again. Since then he acted like he was a higher rank than he was, and it was starting to piss of members of the council.

I talked to Pidge about this, but he stated I had no authority over him, and that Sparky was soon to make him a council member. Following this he called me a faggot a couple times, and proceeded to spam up the IRC, abuse our IRCbot and cause drama.

I did a lot to help Vibe. I recruited members, was in the midst of creating a video series for the clan story and was working with GMs on a huge event that would have been connected with Vibe. Since Sparky decided to kick me from the clan, and then reinvite Pidge, I have chosen that I cannot have any of those things associated with Vibe.

I understand that many people have connections with Pidge, but the evidence is clear that he is not mature or professional enough to be in Vibe, and the council agreed with me on this, and thus he was kicked. In fact, I was not the one who even initiated yesterdays vote for him to be removed. He called a co-leader a faggot, knowing full well my sexual orientation, and got away with it. If that is tolerated in this clan, I want absolutely no part whatsoever. Having a friendship with someone in a clan is no reason to allow them to get away with consistent disobedience and homophobia. I stated multiple times that Pidge was immature and was an ass for calling me a faggot, and somehow that makes me the bad guy.

I have the utmost respect for Viddah. He understands what went down, and can vouch for me when I say that I took the majority of the blows when it came to council decisions. I don't care what people think of me, and I don't have "personal vendettas". I do what I thought what was best for the clan, as I always have done when leading clans into their official stage. I ensure that everyone that is in the clan is mature, professional and is able to avoid drama and outburts when we are being judged. Pidge can not do that, but I know Sparky and others like him for his personality, which I can not vouch for since I don't really connect with anyone at all.

I am open to returning to Vibe, but will not do so unless Pidge is removed. That may sound like I am being picky, but I will not tolerated someone who stooped so low to calling a gay guy a faggot. It shows clearly that he is immature and does not deserve to be in the clan.

It was also unfair for certain members who were not aware of anything that was going on to come out and blame me for everything that happened. I have said repeatedly that this was a unanimous council decision, but apparently people can't accept that. Vibe has already lost many great members, and I do believe I am another. I tried my hardest in this clan, and I am saddened and disappointed that I was kicked for, what I believe and others believe, to be the right decisions.

All the best.
Last edited by Kyure; Oct 20, 2015 at 08:55 PM.
@Srcheetah A spanish omlet sounds like a regular omlet to me! haha

Also guys with Kyure now being gone, I still think we should continue on with running/ making a vibe event. Meet in irc to discuss that.

@Glimpsed I loved the drawing. I was ready for a jumpscare and got that lmao.

I guess you could hand it off to Galaxy. He's pretty much our replay guy. Or on the other hand you could hand it off to Hood (If he's still around)

@Nerobe Sad to see you leave man, seems like you got the concon flu.

Also update on my life, I got new plugs for my ears! Any of you guys have body modifications?
Last edited by Worm; Oct 20, 2015 at 11:00 PM.
Hate to go on a curve ball here, do you understand (at least from a British point of view) that the word faggot is no longer widely associated with homosexuality and instead a general derogatory term used to describe any person, to take offence from this is personally absurd and seems more like an excuse to make the 'victim' sound discriminated.

Sorry I had to pick up on thag, it just irritates me how people can get offended by such terms.

And no Pidge, as I intend on apying as an officer to the British Army, piercings are prohibited and so would hinder my chances of success, and so I turn away from the idea, not that I have a problem with it
Originally Posted by Sense View Post
Hate to go on a curve ball here, do you understand (at least from a British point of view) that the word faggot is no longer widely associated with homosexuality and instead a general derogatory term used to describe any person, to take offence from this is personally absurd and seems more like an excuse to make the 'victim' sound discriminated.

Sorry I had to pick up on thag, it just irritates me how people can get offended by such terms.

And no Pidge, as I intend on apying as an officer to the British Army, piercings are prohibited and so would hinder my chances of success, and so I turn away from the idea, not that I have a problem with it

Faggot, often shortened to fag, is a pejorative term used chiefly in North America primarily to refer to a gay man.[3][4][5] Alongside its use to refer to gay men in particular, it may also be used as a pejorative term for a "repellent male" or a homosexual person of either gender.[5][6][7] Its use has spread from the United States to varying extents elsewhere in the English-speaking world through mass culture, including film, music, and the Internet.

Yeah just like nigger. Its okay to say nigger now, since it's no longer used to be rude to black people.