Originally Posted by Bust3r View Post
Oh my god Jesus fuck yes! You joined like a few hours ago and you have better applications than people who have been playing for years.

I might even pay for your namechange, I feel so bad for you when you have that name. xD

Let him in, he seems cool for a noobie.
"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
Originally Posted by XxX1337HAX3RXxX View Post
Name (Real Life):
My name is Jeremy Hobbs

White belt

Join Date:
A few hours ago...

I live in the US, California to be precise. GMT-8

Activity [Weekdays&Weekends]:
Weekdays I'm usually active between 3-12 PM GMT-8 time, and during the weekends I'm active around 11 AM - 4 AM.

What you will bring to the clan:
I'm a fairly competent video creator, but the main thing I will bring to the clan is a friendly individual that loves to socialize and have fun.

Other stuff we have to know:
I guess I'm an all around friendly guy, I love to meet new people and hang out with new friends!

16, 17 in September.

Referalls (if any):

Why you want to Join:
I would love to join doc because it looks as if it is the most bad-ass thing to ever meet the face of the earth! doc also seems like one of the most well organized, friendly and outright awesome clans I've come across in my searching the past hours, I would have to be a fool not to apply.

I'm basically searching for a place to call home here in the Toribash community, and this feels like it's the perfect place!

Previous Clans:

Infraction Points/Bans (if any):
If I managed to get an infraction in an hour, I wouldn't even bother applying. :3

I'm a quite competent video creator, but I mostly just tinker with things in my spare time, never publish anything. And I'm not all too horrible at art.

Usual TC Amount:
10tc \o/[/CENTER]

I hope you accept my application and let me join this totally brotastic clan!



also, why would you pay for his name change when he has 3 posts.

Last edited by Bust3r; May 14, 2010 at 11:54 PM.
We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
Well, to be honest, we can't trust his activity since he has 3 posts and such. Sure, the app's good, but we don't know anything about him.

EDIT: lol, Bust3r's boredface
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
Credits to Rai for the caption:

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

I almost killed Bust3r and Tempo with this one.

EDIT: Ninja'd by the man himself. ;o