Originally Posted by Moop View Post
that's an odd thing to wonder. But fair enough.

I'm 6ft and no inches

It's all about the motion.
Curious aren't you.
I'm 6 feet 8 inches, but those are two separate measurements.

Such fun, but really I'm 187cm, right under 6'2", compensating for those last 0.96 cm with sticks and feathers and sticks with feathers.

We bow to your physical superiority, apple.

Now lets ask who is the best herbalist, who is the gingerest, who knows most about biology, who watches most anime, who is most likely to do the [insert adjective] act of necrophilia, who is most zombie-like in their appearance, who is somewhat of a cunt but possibly not a weedsmoking one, and lastly: who has the username druggedpanda.
[18:33] <Ele_> man I wish I had a dick to suck for drugfs rn
Oh liaxo you're taller than what I would've imagined. I'm 183cm wich is 6ft. Me and Moop are at the same level of tallness. (Oh look tallness is actually an existing word I thought there will be a red line under it but no.)

Who's the Herbalist here though ? And who the fuck is the necrophilia thing one ? And where is Mocro it's been really a long time.

liaxo did you read the article about the parrots eating meat I posted like 3 pages ago ? If you haven't read it yet I think you should.
nope been in parrot since 2012, also have an alt named pwnanza31 in here as well apparently. I believe you and I played a few matches against each other
Really ? Oh well then I hope you be active again. I would love to play some matches with a group of friends now that we have some more members. Lets try this sometime maybe we'll laugh a bit at each other's perfect skills.